ch 15

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uuug mondays i hated them not only that i got a fuckin detention for i dont even know what but its whatever. i got to class and sat in the back corner. in front of me was dark jeff and e.j. i just  put my head down bc i knew everything abt this class. Mr. purdy was the sex ed teacher. i already educated my self on this shit so i just put my head down. I rlly didnt care about this class.  We had some project he gave us. "Ok you csn move now" i got up and moved to the couch he had in the back. Jeff picked me up, sat on the couch and pulled me onto his lap. I just put my music on and fell asleep in his arms. ○○○○○○○timeskip●●●●●●
I woke up n we were on the bus i look up at jeff " hey i thought we were in class" "we were snd u passed out so mr. Purdy said to take u home" "ok" he walked me home and we fell asleep on his bed and i just cuddled him. "Hey jeff whats the project on anyways" " i dont know he said not to worry abt it" i just nodded my head and nuzzled his chest and fell asleep again.

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