Inej - You don't know just how hard it is

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T H E  D A R K  A N D T W I S T E D  A L L E Y S of Ketterdam were like a playground for the Wraith. Scaling the damp, tall walls and jumping roof to roof is one of the best ways to clear the mind of troubling thoughts. It would seem pretty abnormal, but the girl loved the darkly lit streets of the wayward city. The street lamps are like misled stars, trapped in glass confinement, wanting to be freed from the service of just sheding light on the dim streets for merchants and folk alike.

 As the dark skinned girl sat atop the building, staring at the view of the dazzling moon, she couldn't help but to think of her relationship with a certain barrel boss. She sighed at the thought of the mysterious boy. Even after years of knowing him, she had yet  to know much about him. Which was fine anytime she thought about it, but it saddens her knowing that Kaz has gone through so much as a child, even more as a teen, but she sighs at the thought of Kaz being alone for so long. 

 "Why is it, I always find you glancing at the Moon when I come to find you?" A broken voice came from behind her. The dangerous barrel boss was getting over a cold and his voice was sounding better each day ever since he let Inej care for him. "Inej shot a smile at him yhen looked back at the brilliant moon. 

 From here, it was huge and bright.  And if you looked closely enough, you could see the shadows of craters and arcs of moon rock.

 "I find it's the best way of clearing one's mind." She answered, snapping her fingers and Pointing beside her. Kaz found this as a clear signal to take the seat. As he walked closer, he could see Inej's  rampaging thoughts in the whites of her eyes. He grunted as he plopped himself beside her, taking in the cold, damp, air of Katterdam. 

 You know how when you just think of so many things at the same time, your head is basically multitasking? Trying to think of every thought at the same time?  You know how when you think so hard, that people can almost hear your thoughts? Inej 

 "A penny for your thoughts?" Kaz said, aloud, gaining the Wraith's  full attention. "Hm?" She answered, still thoughtful. Kaz sighed "What's got you so lost, Wraith?" 

 Inej's  shoulders fell. "I've been thinking-" 

"Well that's oddly noticeable. "

"Shut up." She said playfully, lightly punching his arm.

"Anyway, I've been thinking." She paused for a moment.

 "Kaz, what are we?"

"A man and woman, is what i would say to a vague question."

Inej exhaled, releasing a puff of visual air.

"What are we to the others? What are we to each other?"

 The cool crisp air blew around their figures on that rooftop. The light provided by the moon made Inej's questioning expression as clear as glass. The Wraith herself knew that the tone she used was serious and legitimate. 

 They've had this conversation before, talking about what their relationship is. If not friends, then what? Lovers? Enemies can be anything but the truth, Kaz was one of the brightest lights in Inej's life, even with his dark and brooding demeanor he shows.

Kaz sighs, glancing at the moon. Taking in it's silver glow and large round shape, as if someone replaced it with a kitchen saucer.

"We are The Wraith and Dirtyhands, two of the most feared people in Ketterdam, and if not, Kerch. We are two deadly halves of a hellish beast that is not to be tampered with. And those who can, are ourselves."
Kaz paused to look and move closer to Inej, he could see her breath and hear her heartbeat.
"We are two deadly halves that create an entity of the unknown once pieced together,  with the untamed conclusion either being death, passion, or fear. But we share our own love in our own way. So to answer your question, we are The Wraith and Dirtyhands, today. Tomorrow may be different, but today, this is what resides.", He finished, looking down at The Wraith with a soft yet hard stare. It felt as if he was trying to embed his words into her soul.

Inej closed her eyes in understanding, "We are us to us, yet we are us to everyone else."

The duo was indeed as deadly as Kaz had described. They could ward of hordes of enemies and come out of a fight without a speck of blood in them.

Apart, they could be feared by kings, but together, they would be feared by Gods.

It was well-known objective among gangs and leaders, that the Mean Barrel Boss' weakness was the Wraith. But it is also a well-known fact that Kaz likes to protect and keep his investments alive amd profitable.
Of course, the two crows knew this was their public outlook, and they never mind. Kaz could careless if all they saw was a monster, at least his queen would never be touched.

Even if this was the "public opinion", of Dirtyhands and the Wraith, Kaz would not deny to himself, that he would protect and defend Inej in any situation. She was more than an investment, she was a lifestyle, his own religion in a way. What was killing when he could be taken care of by an angel all day?

Whether it was conversation or the gigantic silver pool of light resonating from the sky, he knew he had to kiss her.

His calloused hand found her soft  cheek while the other found her waist, and Inej's arms hooked around his neck. But of course, hands roam.

It was rare for such an intimate moment, kissing, especially on the lips. This was only the fourth time they've kissed over the span of a year.

But the moment was too tender when they broke away. Kaz's hand remained on her cheek when he spoke.

"You have no idea how much i restrain myself from you in public. To keep my hands from you and say you belong to me. Your hands, your hair, your lips, not herr for anyone else. Even gazing is a privilege." He ran his other hand down her braid, keeping his cane between his knees.

Inej stared deeply in his eyes, not letting loose her clammy grip on Kaz's coat. Her facr glowed in the silver filter the moon provided.

"You have no idea how hard it is for me to not tell you what you are and mean to me. The others can see it, Nina tells me i stare too much or worry about you all the time. Its impossible to not worry, but also impossible to not count on your reputation to keep you safe. So its not worry, but a lovingly glare for everytime you do anything reckless." They both chuckled at the statement.

  Of course, for those who haven't experienced their love (basically everyone) for a quick explanation, they have their own way to love each other. From a distance and from a few centimetres away.

Its never a sin to not say love out loud, but its easier to keep the promise the word holds.

Who's overdue?

Who just updated?



So, this chapter had me stick in some places, it's definetly not my best work, but the best i can do at the moment on fumes. I actually have more chappies in docs that im writing, so yes, i am always writing for yall.


I hope you guys enjoyed

And tell me what ya think!


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