Part 23: Finding Each Other

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Seán's POV

We were half way through setting up thick metal panels around our base when it started happening. Blueprints started popping up out of nowhere, medical equipment. It must be N/N, where the hell is she that there's all of this medical equipment?

"She remembered me.." Marzia whispers to herself.

"She must be inside of wherever those men have been staying." Chase announces.

A wave of fear momentarily rushes through me when I consider the possibility that those men might find and catch her. Thankfully Chase grips my shoulder before I can spiral into my thoughts.

"I swear if you forget how terrifying and strong she is, she's gonna kick your ass when she gets back." He grins.

Heheh, I guess he had the same thought I did. I grin back fondly at the idea of her being here to kick my ass.

"How could I forget when I was the one who saw her basically tame a few dozen carnivores with a thought?" I laugh.

"Good point." He responds, patting my shoulder.

We finish putting up the perimeter as the blueprints continue flowing through, I'm actually kind of proud of myself for knowing what a good amount of them are used for. After finagling two passages under the new wall on either side of the base area we double check that they're in hidden spots before installing hatches over them. If only we had blueprints for our own security cameras we'd be all set.

"We should go collect more resources, in case we need to reinforce these walls or add anything on later." Felix mentioned.

"Sticking to groups right?" Amy questioned.

"Of course." Felix nodded.

Felix, Marzia, and Tessa remain at the base while the rest of us look for more materials. Mark and Amy went to look down by the Aurora away from Leviathan territory. Beth and Sam went down into all the nearest caves, and Chase is with me looking around just past the Creepvine forest. Everyone agreed to meet back by the shallow area where the memorial was set up in order to take her things back home.

Swimming along the forest the Stalker fish come to swimming along side us, making Chase visibly nervous.

"They won't hurt us." I assure him.

"Right.. you said N/N had basically trained them right?" He said, side eyeing the stalkers.

"Yeah, she befriended them I think. She told them not to hurt us."

"She told them not to hurt you, I wasn't here." He nervously joked.

"You're fine, Besides if they eat you then the rest of us will have another room to chill in."

"Yeah man, totally the best outcome." He laughed.

Once we started collecting materials and scrap metal the Stalkers started bringing us scrap metals from all around the forest and probably just outside of it. The longer we go the more time we spend just taking the materials from the Stalkers instead of farming around. This is a much more effective way to gather materials, I could definitely get used to this.

Needless to say, it didn't take us long to collect as much as we could take. On our way back to the meeting spot I see a creature egg wiggling around in the sand, judging by the Stalker swimming just beside it, it's probably a Stalker egg. Yeah, I definitely have to see this.

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