1- How I left

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Hi, how you doing? How you're all well. You may or may not know that sadly, I've left this fandom. It's hard to explain but I guess I just grew out of love for them. Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful towards Mark, Jack and Felix. They put a smile on my face when nobody else could. It hurt a lot when I realised I was starting to loose interest. I forced myself to watch their videos but I just didn't have The excited buzz I alway had. Games they were playing were really in my interest anymore and I had nothing. I didn't have a fandom I could go to and I needed to find my new thing. I searched for other type of channels but none really interested me. So again I went back to watching March and Jack and Felix but again nothing. I went off this account, deleted Wattpad and told myself I'd never come back because I knew, I knew that some people really loved my 3 books but I didn't want to come back and tell them that yeah, I've fallen out of love with them. No. I couldn't. I didn't want to leave all this behind but I knew in my heart that if I tried to continue to write these books, they wouldn't of been written with my heart like the rest. I didn't want to publish books that didn't mean anything to me, no, they HAD to be written by the heart. But that wasn't going to happen in the fandom. Other very personal things had happened as well and I found it hard to get myself back to normal. I would sit in my room and hardly come out. I felt empty all the time and mentally, I was unstable. This was my very first big fandom and it was my home. My family. I never felt more happy when I was here and there are so many good memories. Sadly it was my time to go. And I'm sorry, I really am. But sometimes the hardest decision are for the best. I do return here now and again but it's not Likey that I will be on here a lot because I have a new account, I'll explain it in the next chapter :)

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