Valentine's Day Special!

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Valentine's Day Special

(Written in Lydia's POV)


April and I sat in my bedroom as we watched The Notebook, I had forced April to watch it after she told me he hadn't seen it- or The Titanic. (Lol I've only ever seen the ending to the titanic.)

April was currently chewing a piece of popcorn and staring at the screen as Ryan Gosling was bowing the boat and rain had just started to pour down. "I could eat him up." she muttered and slowly placed another piece of popcorn in her mouth.

I let out a snort and it caught her attention, "What? He's hot!"

"Yes he is, but so keep all comments till the end of this glorified movie." I didn't want to spoil the ending to the movie, don't judge but I wanted to see of the heartless April Adams would cry when the ending was absolutely devastating. I knew it by heart, word-to-word, and I was refraining from telling her anything.

April had tears streaming down her face as the two characters died in each others aems, "Bu-but....I.... Berry! It's not fair!" she wailed and pulled me into a hug.

Letting out a laugh my heart gave a little twist at seeing her broken hearted eyes filled with tears. "I know April, but they loved each other and that's all that matters." she squeezed me tighter and let out a little sniffle.

"But I wanted to know more! Like what were their kids' names, an...and...and, I don't even know Berry!" a small giggle escaped from me and I slowly layed us down, April still held tightly in my arms.

After April had calmed down a little she leaned up and kissed my chin before resting her head on my chest and letting out a small, "I love you."


(Another short, but in April's POV)

Lydia was going crazy. Valentine's Day was on less that a week and so far I've had my at school locker explode with pink heart shapes confette, over three dozen flowers sent to my house, and now the biggest arrangement of chocolates were handed to me by a group of seven year olds.

Lydia stood proudly by me side as I walked into school the next morning and I couldn't help but grin when she has no idea of all the dun surprises I had in store for her.

With the count down to Valentine's Day at the mark of four meant a four amazing surprises.

Day 1, Lydia opened her locker and out flew two-hundred-seventy hand written reasons why I love her.

Day 2, Every inch of Lydia's bedroom was filled with magnolia flowers.

Day 3, Several gift cards, including a hundred-fifty dollar gift card to Macy's

And Finally, Day 4, Valentine's Day.

I went to school extra early, used some supernatural powers to change the morning announcements to a poem dedicated to Lydia, had ordered flowers to be delivered to Lydia's first, third, and sixth classes, dinner reservations, a clothing haul, and finally just us two girls who were madly in love, falling asleep in each other's arms.

At the end of the day Lydia and I fell asleep with smiles on our faces and three words being uttered every free chance we got.


That's all guys happy Valentine's! I got no love so imma be chillin with my good ole pals Netflix and chocolate cake!

I know Lyds and April aren't together at the moment so this is like an AU I sorts.

Hope you enjoyed!

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xx mazz

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