What type of skin do you have?

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To start off, choosing your skin type is key to having good skin. Do you have dry, oily or combination skin? It's quite easy to tell what type you have. If you often experience the skin on your face being dry (meaning it looks dry, feels dry and no oils on the pores) then the chances are you have dry skin.  If your skin gets greasy or sweaty looking very easily, your skin type is oily. The traits of combination skin typically include oilyness around the nose and cheek area and dryness around the rest of the face. Although some people with combination skin experience it elsewhere on their faces.

Now that your skin type is decided, it's time to find the perfect treatment for you! Your skincare routine will depend on many things, such as:

Do you wear makeup everyday?

How much acne do you currently have?

How often do you cleanse your face in a day?

NOTE : if at any time you feel your skin burning or feeling unusual, wash it off immediately! Before using it on your entire face, test it on a small patch of skin to see if your skin reacts badly.

Please keep in mind this skincare routine might not be perfect for everyone.

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