The Characters

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Rosie Queen- played by Ashley Greene

Barry Allen- played by the one and only Grant Gustin

Cisco Ramon- played by Carlos Valdes

Caitlin Snow/ Dr.Snow- played by the amazingly talented Danielle Panabaker

Harrison Wells/ Eobard Thawne- played by Tom Cavanagh

Detective Joe West- played by the amazing singer Jesse L. Martin

Iris West- played by Candice Patton

Captain David Singh- played by Patrick Sabongui

Detective Eddie Thawne- played by Rick Cosnett

Henry Allen/ Dr. Henry Allen- played by John Wesley Shipp

Those are the main characters for the season for each episode that there is the evil meta or a friend I will put that in the beginning of the chapter.

I will update more of the story once I figure out Rosie and Barry's story. I think during the first half of the book Rosie and Barry will not be in a relationship like I wanted them to be in. For the first half it will be them being friends and Barry realizing that he was chasing after the wrong girl. All the romantic stuff going on between Rosie and Barry will all be from my imagination I will not have the dates the same as in the show.

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