Meeting Rosie Queen

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Hi. My name is Rosie Queen. Over the next 23 chapters you will get an inside look on my life as a superhero and how I had to go from being a vigilante to a superhero in a year.

Three years ago
I was running through the woods with my brother and once we made it to the hill before the shore we had gotten our bows and an arrow to light on fire to get the attention of the crew on the boat. My brother and I got onto the boat and he called our mom on their phone and we were taken to the China mainland and then we flew home. We went to the hospital and my brother Oliver was in the room next to me. The doctors took X-rays, CAT scans, MRI scans just to see how much damage was done to our bodies. My mom Moira had seen me first and then Oliver. We went home the next day and we spent the day with our mom, sister Thea and Walter Steele. Over the year we fight the wealthy and even though the police do not agree with our methods but we are helping them clean up the streets of crime. Then near the end of our first year being home Malcolm Merlyn, Tommy Merlyn's dad, decide to level the glades. After Tommy's death Oliver disappeared and it took My friend Felicity five months to find Oliver. Our team meaning Diggle, Felicity and myself to go back to the one place I didn't want to go back to. The place we go to is Lian Yu, now I know what you are all thinking. 'Why go back to that island, Rosie?' Well I'll tell you why, to save my brother since my mother is in prison and my young sister Thea isn't talking to anyone since the night of the undertaking. I want to save my brother like he saved me while we were on the island for five years. While we were on the island Felicity steps on a land mine bomb and we see my brother. He saves Felicity and we goo back to the bunker that we were once in together the second year we were marooned there. We convince Oliver to comeback with us and he agrees. When we comeback to Starling City we see the glades first and it is devastating to see our city in shambles. While riding into the city Felicity gives Oliver a report on a business that is trying to buy Queen Consolidated. Oliver asked about Thea and she's not at home she's at our club called Verdant, Oliver and I used to own it but now Thea and I own it. I told her that Oliver was leaving and I won't know when he would be coming back and she was a little sad at first but then she got over it since I stayed after the undertaking.  While being a co-owner of a club I also work at Queen Consolidated, because my mother is in prison and my brother was on the island. Then a few months after my brother comes home and my mother being in prison, our company is on the verge of going bankrupt and my mother is released from prison. A lady named Isabel Rochev decides that it is not wise to have my mother back in the office. But we shoot her down and have her let our mom try to run the company. Since it is her company too. The night before we go to the office our Applied Science building was broken into, we didn't know until we got to QC. We were at QC for maybe a half hour when Diggle told us that we needed to go to the Applied Science building. When I take a look around the building I see what was missing but didn't remember what it was. A tech person that works with the police showed us a video from the night before. They thought it was two or more people but then someone showed up and said it was only one person. That person so happens to be Barry Allen with the Central City Police Department. I have to admit one thing, when I saw Barry for the first time I fell in love. Barry said that there was only one guy since the guards neck was severely bruised. Barry had asked us that we don't know how hard it is to break a neck, and we both said no. We lied just to save our self's butts from not being outed as the hood and blue hood. When in all actuality we do know how hard it is to break a neck.  The tech person with SCPD needed a inventory list to see what was stolen, Barry said that what the thief stole from us was a centrifuge and and the thief ripped it out of the ground like it was nothing. Quentin Lance had asked us what exactly is a centrifuge and we told him and Barry made the comment that the lighter the liquid the higher it will be.

Definition of Centrifuge in case nobody knows 

Centrifuge- a machine with a rapidly rotating container that applies centrifugal force to its contents, typically to separate fluids of different densities (e.g. cream from milk) or liquids from solids.

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