Part 1: I Can't Anymore.

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It hurts.
A lot.

No one understands.
And if they do.
They leave me for their reputation.
I don't get it.
What did I do, to earn such hatred?

No one cares.
No one worries.
No one even bothers to help.
They just let me suffer.
And say i'm a slut  or loser.
I never did anything to hurt or harm anyone, physically or mentally.

I'm just trash.
I need to die.
But he always stops me.
Min Yoongi always stops me.
How does saying don't kill yourself,  help when you're part of the reason?

He comes home.
Gives me a kiss on the cheek.
Says how much he loves me.
Then 13 minutes later.
He comes to me.
He yells and says things like you're worthless, no one will ever love you, just die already!!  I don't get it.

I cut, and cut. But he stops me. Says he loves me. Then hurts me even worse. Beats me so bad. You can't see my cuts because there are so many bruises covering them.

Can he just let me die??! I'm sick and tired of it. Tired of running...of hiding..of trying...of breathing. I can't even go to the store without getting nasty looks or being called the most hurtful names. And he won't let me die.

I don't even have a family. They all agree that i'm worthless, they always say, I wish i didn't give birth to you, and in my mind I think, I know, don't worry, you won't see me tomorrow, or the day after, and after. I have no friends. Not because I don't want any. But because they all fake it.

One time I had a friend named Sung Yu. She was always kind to me. Then one day. She was kissing him. She was kissing Yoongi. And when she saw me she smirked and grabbed my hair then hung my head off the edge of the roof saying just kill yourself , no one will care anyways, What broke me was, Yoongi.

He came and kneed me in my stomach. And agreed with her that I should die. I never forgave him. I never will. I live with him, sadly. All he does is say i love you and abuse me. I can't even do anything about it.

And that's when I thought.


            I can't take it anymore.
                                  I'm going to kill

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