The Next Day

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The bright light from the near by window shining directly on my sleepy face.

"Turtle!!!!!" A voice from downstairs yelled abruptly.

I groaned and grabbed the blanket and ripped it off of me. I sat up on the edge of the bed and let my bare feet touch the soft carpet.

"Turtle get down here!!!!"

"I'm coming!!!!" I sighed shortly after

I was wearing a bra and booty shorts and didn't care to change into something. I slowly walked downstairs to see my brother on the couch eating like a slob. I slowly walked into the kitchen when Dally jumped up from his seat to say

"good mor....woah what the fuck are you wearing oh my god." 

"Im covered up no worry's." I said in a sweet tone.

I went to the fridge opened it and bent down to get the milk from the bottom shelf. Now for most of you girls you know that when your wearing booty shorts and you bend down.....well you get the picture. I stood back up and turned around to see Two-bit standing there with his jaw half way to the floor.

"Two-bit what the hell are you doing here!!!!" I said ferocious.

His jaw closed and he looked at me and said with a huge grin on his face.

"Weeeeeelllll hellllooo there beautiful!!!!!!"

*Gasp*  "what the fuck are you doing here Two-bit!!!!" cover my chest with the milk jug

"Well I was here to see how your doing after last night." Two-bit said with concern in his voice. 

"Well I'm fine thank you now may you please leave!!!!" I shouted

"Okay okay okay I'm leaving!!!" "I will be right outside Dally." Two-bit exclaimed

He walked out the door and I removed the jug from my now frozen chest and glared at Dally.

"Why the hell did you not tell me he was here!!!" I screamed in anger

"S-sorry I didn't know you would come out of your room in just your bra and some really really short shorts." Dally said in a calm way

"There called booty shorts!!!!!" I marched right up to my room swiftly moving past Dally without looking at him.

Once I got to my room I went straight to the closet. But what I saw was something I could never unsee.


I stumbled to the ground looking at who was in my closet.

"L-Lidia is it really you???"

"Turtle why did you do this to me why TURTLE WHY!!!!!!" She screamed with pure terror

Crawling backwards to get away from Lidia who had blood pouring from her face and blood all over her body.

"I'm so sorry Lidia I'm so sorry I never meant that to happen I swear." I was practically crying

All of the sudden Dally barges right into the room.

"Turtle what's wrong!!!" "I heard you scream!!!" Dally said

I looked back to the closet but she was gone. I hurry to my feet.

"Dally did you see her did you see her!!!"

"See who there's no one here turtle there's no one here!!!"

"Lidia did you see Lidia in the closet!!!"

"Turtle Lidia is dead she's gone she's not coming back and she is for sure not fucking in your closet!!!!"

I was breathing very heavily now

"I think it was a bad idea to come back to this town!!!" "It haunts me Dally it haunts me!!!"

"Here grab a shirt and pants and come downstairs we can get out of the house." Dally said

I nodded my head and did what he said.

Thanks soooo much for reading this story sorry I have not posted in like forever I will try my best to post more often hope you enjoyed pls comment love ya bye 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2018 ⏰

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