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The night before, as they went to bed, Calvin asked Callum, “Why were you on the road outside?”

Callum was silent at first then spoke in a hushed voice, “I saw a figure running through the darkness towards that road. I was thinking maybe, just maybe, he was the one who stabbed Holly.”

The past few days were something they did not anticipate. Coby was dead, the young maid who was stabbed was in the hospital, and someone tried to run over Callum. What could happen next?

Calvin and Will decided to go to town to pay Vanille a visit. Callum wanted to come but Calvin turned her down flatly. Since she knew that he was worried about her safety— even though she knows that he knows she’s capable of protecting herself­­— she didn’t mutter a word when he said it. All she did glare at him.

The car dropped them off at the shops and parked near there. The Alfred insisted on coming but Calvin shot him down. They walked down the road, among the other rich folk. Will was suspecting Vanille to be a culprit since he wasn’t anywhere to be found that evening but Calvin was telling him otherwise.

“Vanille would never do something so…so…” Calvin couldn’t find the right word to say, “Anyways, he would never run over Callum. And, yesterday he told us that he had to go.”

“SOON, he said!” Will said, “That’s very unusual.”

“He has been a friend to us for many years. He is as loyal as a dog.”

Will fell silent and looked down at the rubble. By the look on his face, he was thinking of something deep.

Calvin sighed and said, “What are you thinking?”

He was surprised when Will snapped his fingers with an astonished look in his face.

“That’s it! How could I not see this!” he exclaimed, “He’s two-faced!”

“Two faced?” Calvin covered with his hand the amused smile that played on his lips.

“He could be pretending to be loyal to you and your family to find your weakness! He loathes you!”

Calvin shook his head and looked at Will straight in the eyes. Will thought they had finally connected… but then Calvin laughed.

“Oh right! Loathes me!” Calvin said in a mocking tone and laughed harder, “That’s ridiculous!”

Will looked at Calvin hard feeling a bit embarrassed.

“Just think about it.”

Calvin snickered, “Got it.”

When they opened the doors of ESTHEIM, Calvin stopped laughing immediately and his eyes looked sharp. Will looked at where or what he was looking at and his gaze fell on a woman in white. Her coat slung on her arm with her gloves tucked in her hands. They saw her golden blonde hair underneath her white hat and her red lips that curled in a smile.

“Then I shall send the gift tomorrow.” Vanille smiled.

“Make sure it’s not late Mr. Chaswick. I don’t want my niece to wait very long.” The woman’s voice was like flowing milk, it sounded so gentle and soft.

She took her check book and clicked her pen then put them in her bag.

“Ah! Master Walker, Mister Masterson, Welcome!” Vanille said.

Calvin noticed the woman’s hands stop for a second when Vanille said his name.

“Good day, Vanille.” Will said.

She stood straight and nodded her head at Vanille, “Farewell, Mister Chaswick.”

She turned and held her hat down, covering her eyes. They watched her stroll gracefully out the shop to the streets. She took her coat from her arm and put it on.

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