Chapter 1: The Encounter

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My name is Yoshiro  and this is the story of how i came to be ,The God of All Creation. It's midnight, and the  air is chilly.  It's the typical weather for a New Yorker. I'm so exhausted from work, I pulled a double shift. So it'll be nice to finally go home and get some proper rest. I'm on the city train, packed and awkward as usual, the seats are taken so I'm standing up on my sore feet. You think they'd notice and be generous but it's the typical city people. A scent of sweet berries catches my scent, I look through the crowd of people in front of me. I noticed a girl with glistening dyed pink hair. Her eye brows were a different color of brown. A weird combination, but she looks natural and pretty.

Strange though I never seen her before, I mean yeah. It's the city chances of seeing people twice are like distinguishing snowflakes. while I'm analyzing the girl, the train gives the signal that its arriving at the terminal. " Well this is my stop" I say in my head. As I'm walking off the train I turn around to get one last look at the girls face buts she's no longer there. " Oh well, that's the city for you. A girl like that would've never been interested in a burger joint employee". walking down the usual route to my apartment I see Mittens, the stray alley cat. "Hey mittens" I say while walking closer to her. I pet her striped fluffy fur, she looks more like a zebra then cat with black and white stripes. Mittens doesn't usually confront people, somehow I'm an exception.

"bye mittens" I say, as I leave her. Giving  one last long stroke down her smooth coat . I walk up the stairs to my studio apartment. The outside looks awful, but the inside is nice and comfortable. It's a trade off to keep the crooks from thinking I have something nice inside. unlocking my door, I enter my apartment." Home at last!", I say out loud. Something smells awful, following the stench of rotten eggs I walk towards the kitchen. Pinching my nose, I noticed a two-day old tuna sandwich with a bite taken out of it. " Oh yeah i forgot, i left it there  when I was late for work and in a hurry. I rushed out of the house without even finishing it". While Wrapping the sandwich in a bag, I made a rude face towards the smell, then tossed the bag outside in the alley. " Maybe mittens would appreciate this, don't know if it's safe to eat though".

I go back inside and run my bath water, I can't run it too long because my hot water runs out within five minutes. sitting in my tub relaxing, finally getting my rest. I began to collect my thoughts. I worked a double shift so I shouldn't have to go back to work till next week. I'm officially in love with Mondays, " I laugh sarcastically to myself". I step out of the tub, drying myself and wrapping a towel around me. Suddenly I hear a loud thud, thoughts began to cross my mind rapidly is it an animal, more importantly an intruder? I needed something to defend myself with, so I scanned the bathroom and picked up my plunger, "it's better than nothing" i said. I turn my bathroom light off, and slowly opens the door enough to get a crack in it. I look down my hallway and see nothing. My door makes a squeaking noise whenever i open it fast, so I  opened it much slower and began to walk down the hallway to investigate the loud noise.

slowly and carefully while walking I scan everything, gathering information on what this could be. I glance in panic to see my front door is wide open. "Ah shit", I think to myself "maybe they just kicked the door in and left". I hear sudden  meow and jump in shock, but it was just mittens  licking the tuna that I threw out off her paws. " phew mittens you frightened me". minutes pass, and I began to get more comfortable, until I smell a familiar scent from earlier the scent of sweet berries. The sound of the floor cracking behind me puts me in alert. I don't even waste time seeing what's behind me. gripping the plunger as hard as I can. I turn around fast swinging the plunger, it makes a swooshing noise. I open my eyes and in shock to see a girl with pink hair, and brown eye brows, the same girl I noticed on the train. Before I could even get a word out to ask, what the hell she was doing in my house? She does a spinning back kick to the side of my face. suddenly I began to black out, as I began to collapse backwards on my head. The last things I hear are, mittens meowing and a female voice saying the words. "Target secured, mission accomplished".

 End chapter 1.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Yoshiro shamanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें