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"Never shall I forget that day, the first day we met, not knowing how strong and tragic our friendship would grow to be.

Never shall I forget the memories, the laughs and tears we shared when we were together, acting as each other's rock.

Never shall I forget the nights, the late times we deprived ourselves hours of sleep, refusing to say goodnight.

Never shall I forget my voice, the sound of it cracking with tears in our eyes, breaking the news to you of my move.

Never shall I forget the calls that I always looked forward to at the end of every night.

Never shall I forget the fear, the thought of losing you when your sister told me you were in the hospital, feeling helpless since I was away.

Never shall I forget the pain, the feeling of emptiness that consumed me after hearing of your passing, sobbing out loud to myself alone, pleading it was simply a nightmare.


~ Shane

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