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Jimin let out a quiet, content sigh as he glanced down at the small, tattered piece of paper in his petite hands.

1. Move as far away from parents as possible

2. Get a cute ass pussy cat to spend the rest of my life with

3. Find and claim a nice rich hot guy

4. Move in with ze nice rich hot guy

5. Learn more about astronomy!!

6. Become the brightest shining star when I die

As he read what was written on it, he smiled to himself softly, drawing a large tick next to his fourth (and, might I add, most meaningful) objective. All his life he had been waiting for the perfect soulmate - of course, he didn't really care about the financial side of it, but that kind of support sure was a heck of a bonus. Time and time again he found himself spending valentines days, christmas days and birthdays alone with no better company than himself and the cat.

Of course, we shan't speak about that one time he got drunk and, feeling sorry for himself, wrote a sincere valentines day card to himself before putting it in the post and sending it to his own address.

Now, you may be thinking - 'Why on Earth is this kid so lonely? Surely his kitty is enough to keep him company' - and I see where you're coming from, I agree that animals are companions for life, being more loyal than any human you can find on Planet Earth, but Mr Yoongles on the other hand- well..

"Yoongles! Wake up, you've been snoring like a walrus for sixteen hours straight and I can't hear myself think!"

"Mr Yoongles.. are you- are you dead?! hOLY SHiT wake uP noo!!"

"oW- OW DONT SCRATCH ME I didn't mean to wake you up- ow ow ow I tHOUGHT YOU WeRe dead you gave me no choice!"

Yeah.. I think it's safe to conclude that Mr Yoongles was indeed the laziest, sleepiest and most stubborn cat in the universe. Things only got worse when Jimin finally found himself a boyfriend, a knight in shining armour- no, a king in Gucci armour - Kim Taehyung. Taehyung was perfect on so many levels. Possibly even all the levels that exist. He was charming, charismatic, filthy rich and.. huehuehue.. lets just say rather slutae by night time.

The decision to finally move in with each other never entirely gained the approval of Jimin's sassy feline friend, and it was more than obvious that Mr Yoongles detested Taehyung in every way possible, but unfortunately, love is both dangerous and overpowering.

You could almost say it's blinding.

Taehyung's Mansion

"Can I open my eyes yet?" Jimin asked curiously, slowly stepping forward as he held a sleeping mass of soft black fur in his arms.

"No, not yet." Taehyung chuckled softly, guiding his blindfolded boyfriend closer to the large front door ahead of them. "Just wait a little bit longer~"

"But I can't see a thing!" Jimin began to pout and complain.

"That's the whole point, dork. Here." With a small click, Taehyung unlocked the door and the three of them entered the building. Soon after that, Taehyung carefully removed the blindfold.

Jimin's eyes widened as he scanned his new surroundings. Fancy was an understatement - it seemed like the type of place that only existed in James Bond movies or the foreign tropical hotels you see in those overpriced holiday commercials. The type of place that screams 'Wow. You live here? You're either the heir of an international company or the most dangerous gangster in the country!'

"What do you think?" Taehyung asked, already grinning widely at the expression on Jimin's face.

"Tae, I- I don't know what to say.. I love it!" Jimin squealed in excitement.

"Good." Taehyung muttered quietly. With that, he slammed the large oak door behind the both of them and locked it. Double locked it.

"You're mine now."


yes hi hello

i hope you enjoyed this awkward lil

intro to the story :')

thank you very much for reading!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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