The truth and forgiveness (4)

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Hello my darlings~~~ its me again author chan back with another chapter and trust me this is going to be amazing as its going to reveal some of (y/n ) pass and by the way I'm sorry for being so inactive its not my fault I'm a potato anyway i hope you enjoy lovee youu darlings!!! 💖💖💖


(y/n) pov

" His name is Rob "

Suddenly the air in the guild hall felt tense and everyone went silent but not in a good way, they all seemed to have a face of sorrow and sympathy making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion, " Whats wrong?" I questioned, i looked at master Makarov and saw his glossy eyes and his paper white skin making me feel anxious and worried. Finally, master Makarov started to speak up, " I'm sorry (y/n) but Rob is-"
"He's dead" now Erza was infront of me her head down. All of a sudden, i frozed i didn't believe it grandpa couldn't be dead right? He couldn't have left me...
Then i remembered the night when he disappeared.

"(Y/n) try to be quiet my dear" grampy whispered to me whilst we creeped into the basement of our small wooden house, " Whats going on grampy im scared " my youthful voice full of innocence whispered to him in the dark. He let out a light hearted chuckle, " Everything is going to be okay my sweetheart there is no reason to be scared" then i heard screaming making me tighten my grip on my grandpas hand "Grampa" my voice cracked due to my tearful state. He looked at me with his finger across his slim lips in a 'ssh' motion. I noticed how brave he was so i dried my tears and gave a sharp nod making my grandpa give his signature heartwarming contagious smile making me let out a smile myself. Finally, when we reached the final step of the neverending staircase, Grandpa took me to the corner of empty barrells and ushered me into one even though i didn't  understand why. " Grandpa why am i hiding here? " he smiled at me with the smile i learnt to love, " Its nothing dear just stay in their hidden and make sure noone see's you until the morning, grampy is coming back soon so pinky promise you wont come out? " he stretched out his worn out with age pinky and i connected it with my petite soft one " pinky promise " i looked up and smiled, " i love you grampy and i trust you " i kissed him on his wrinkled cheek full of love and  at the time i didn't realise his glossy eyes filled with tears, " i love you too my sweet (y/n) " and with one final kiss on my forehead, he decended up the staircase.

I stayed hidden like i promised still confused, though i wasn't going to break my promise out of my own selfishness. Time had passed since grampy left and i could hear stomping from upstairs making me cuddle into a ball yet, i stayed quiet as a mouse. A couple of hours later ( well i presumed hours as i hadn't been able to see the time), i had gotten tired of the screams and fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning when i awoke, i was greeted by silence, i thought maybe that grampy was upstairs. But, when i got upstairs i was once again answered with just quiteness. However, the place was a mess glass from broken vases, books scattered on the floor, cabinets and wardrobes opened with the belongings thrown out carelessly. Due to my innocence,  i took no notice of this and decided to tidy up before gramps got home.

After i finished cleaning, i headed out into the village but, when i got their i was horrified the village was burning down and it was desserted. Then i performed one of the spells grampy taught me to do " Ice and fire unison : water turbine!!! " then a dark blue magic circle opened underneath me and a turbulance of water came shooting out of the palms of my hands. I jumped up in happiness ' " grampy i did - " but then i stopped as i realised he wasn't here. I waited many years but there was no trace of my grandpa so when i turned 11 i decided I'd go find him myself.

Back to present time

My dark midnight blue hair covered my saddened eyes and i balled up my hands into tight fists and slowly a river of tears ran down my face and i couldn't stop them in the midst of my agony i let out a strangled, " How? "
" He died because of me " i looked up at the redhead and instead of sadness anger fueled me.
" It's your fault " i whispered whilst a blue and gold magic circle surrounded me, my dark blue irises glowed light blue and grew tints of gold making everyone around look at me in awe.

Noones pov

(Y/n) screamed in pain and hatred. Everyone around her flinched at the sound of the bellow.
" ice and fire unison: burning shards "
Makarovs eyes wided as he was shocked by the powerful spell ' how could someone this young obtain such a power of wielding two elements'  he thought as he saw the raging girl he didn't want to step in the fight though Erza may get hurt, it will teach (y/n ) more about the fairytail way.

Large shards of ice covered in blue flames came towards Erza and master had to stop Natsu from interfering as he knew he could do nothing. Erza got smashed into the pillars breaking all of them and she fell limp onto the ground as if she was a ragdoll. This surprised the guild as one of their strongest got defeated so easily this left them to admire (y/n) but to also fear her of what she can do. Slowly, (y/n) strided towards Erza a dark aura surrounding her. She pinned the red head down and was about to finish her of with a blow in the face.

(Y/n) pov

I was about to finish her off with a hard blow in the face but when i looked into her eyes i stopped. Her eyes were fill of pain and sadness almost as if she was drowning in guilt. A vision shot through me.

A small girl wearing an eye patch with short red hair was on the ground in pain. She was going to be hit with a magic spell which would've ended her short life but then, grampy rose up and protected her his red guild mark shone proudly on his bare back his arms spread out and his stance strong. Slowly, he fell to the ground he looked up at the sky with a heartwarming smile imagining the little blunette who gave him life giving him her bright smile , his little angel, " (y/n) i love you dear " tears ran down his face as he let out his final breath with a forever eternal smile plastered on his old wrinkled face.

My shoulders slumped and my irises went back to their normal midnight blue. My navy hair shielded my eyes as tears ran down my face " no.. " i let out a heatbreaking whisper as i slowly broke down " it isn't your fault " then a series of heartwrenching sobs left me and i couldn't stop the tears of angst my whole body wracked with the tears. Erza looked up at me with a warm smile with her own tears running down her face. She got up and engulfed me in a tight embrace showing me she understood my pain. This only made me cry harder, " I'm sorry " i let out in a broken voice " it's okay I'm sorry to ". We both sat together in eachothers embrace sobbing and releasing our pain whilst everyone watched the touching scene with their own tears ( especially Natsu and Happy who were sobbing) even makarov let out a few tears.

Makarov pov

I looked at the touching scene letting out a few tears i looked at (y/n) and knew she was special ' she's only 15 yet she is so strong and she is also the only person known at the time that can wield 2 elements also, she beat Erza our strongest female so easily, i guess I'm going to keep a good eye on her she could probably win the s class wizard test ' i smiled sweetly at the youthful girl ' you raised her well my dear friend Rob you must be as pround as me' a  blow of wind passed me " i indeed am proud of who she has grown up to be my dear friend Makarov" My eyes widened and a grin plastered my face as he let out a chuckle " i guess you have been watching her huh, Rob".

Noone's pov

After all the commotion, everyone cleaned up and decided to have a party. At the end of the day the guild hall was once again trashed due to all the fighting and everyone was passed out sleeping on the floor. All in all it was a day of the truth and forgiveness.

Hello my darlingss!!! Its me again author chann~~~ i hope you enjoyed the chapter i literally cried while writing this like dammn the feels got to me!!! Anyway don't forget to vote and comment looove yoouu daarliiingss!!!
~~~ Author chan out 💖💖💖

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