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COMPANY NAME: Illinois Medical District, Blood Donation Dep. (In partnership with the Vampire Concealment Association)

CLIENT NAME: Peter Wentz

Dear Mr. Wentz,

Thank you for your calling to let me know you would like to cancel our contract for monthly delivery of blood. I am deeply sorry to hear that effective from todays date, we will no longer be in contact. I would like to assure you that the original signed contract documents, along with your address and personal contact information, have been destroyed. It was a pleasure doing business with you.

Kind regards,

Clarabelle Williams.

Clarabelle Williams has always been rather stupid.

She's not bad at her job. In actual fact, she's pretty good. She's almost always on time, and she's brilliant when it comes to following orders. However, one thing she isn't so good at is remembering said orders given to her by her clients.

In this particular case, she had promised Mr. Wentz that she would shred their original contract documents, a very easy task that, somehow, she did not have the ability to undertake. Instead, she'd left it lying on a desk for all of her co-workers to see.

Completely by accident, of course.

She hadn't told anybody.

She didn't think it would matter, though. If anybody were to read the documents, they would understand that the vampire living in Mr. Wentz' house is no longer situated there, and hence is no longer a danger to society.

But she hadn't told anybody.

The task of cancelling and shredding the contract hadn't been assigned to her by her superiors, and she hadn't asked her boss if she could go ahead with it. She had given the job to herself at the request of her client. She's not supposed to take job requests from clients. Such a thing would get her fired.

Doctor Wilkes, who had taken Patrick Stump into custody the day he had been found, stares at the piece of paper in front of her, and sighs. She is uncertain Pete is telling the truth. The vampire has only been living with him for three weeks, at most, and going by the extreme state he had been in, she doubts Pete had been able to tame him that quickly.

Pete had seemed like the desperate type.

It had seemed, to Wilkes, that he would do anything to keep Patrick safe.

He would lie about his existence. He would sign a guardianship contract to keep the VCA from evicting him, even though that would be extremely illegal, since the guardianship law has never applied to vampires.

These facts automatically conclude one thing:

Patrick Stump is a threat to the human community.

And Doctor Wilkes isn't going to sit around and do nothing about it.

First, she types the house address into her phone and sends it to her associates. Then, she calls Clarabelle Williams to tells her the devastating news that she has been fired, and Clarabelle begs for forgiveness and starts to cry.

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