angel → 2

43 14 16

.・゜゜・ two ・゜゜・.

"what was that flash?"


"what are you doing, hoseok?"

"I'm recording our moments! I want to gather as many memories as I can with you!"

"why? Where are you going?"

"erm, I'm not going anywhere! It's just that, you are always at the studio so I miss you. That's all."

"you know you can call me whenever right?"

"I know, but I want to record our moments so don't try to stop me!"

"ok, I won't stop you if it won't get in the way,"

"get in the way of what? Oh GOD! YOONGI, sSTOP TICKLING ME!! HAHAHA"

"Let me think, no."


It was as if fate sided with him as the secret was kept unknown to me.
It was as if it was waiting for the right moment to jump on me and steal my happiness away.

私の天使、私の蜂蜜の少年Where stories live. Discover now