Run and Go part 2

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(The part where you get to decide if I make this a book will come up within the next two parts at most.)

Google pov

     Did I die?

     I can feel my head pounding.

     It's too dark to see anything...

     I look around the black abyss, no life in sight. Is this what it's like to be dead? No, wait a second, is that Dark? I look at a monochrome version of Mark surrounded by a red and blue outline. He's wearing his usual suit as well. That's him alright. How did he get here? He can't die, he's a demon. Me on the other hand, can die. I may be a robot, but I'm not waterproof.

"Nice to see you partner." Dark greets me with his normal manipulative smile.

"Wish I could say the same... Did I die?" I ask.

"Yes, but I'm going to bring you back. You might prove useful, with that rage of yours." he compliments.

"Life's not worth living after what I've done."

"Ah, but you see, your precious Jack didn't die. You merely rendered him unconscious. With the bonus of internal bleeding and bruised organs of course. You even broke one of his ri-"

"STOP! I... don't wanna hear anymore." I sob.

"This is a good thing G! This showed me that I could use you. You have a purpose, to serve me in my bidding."

"Why should I serve you?"

"If you don't, I will finish what you started. I will kill Sean." he laughs darkly. "And I won't fail."

"...What's in it for me?"

"Let's see... you get to be alive again, you get to see Jack, you won't be hunted by the police, etcetera etcetera... All you have to do for me is to kill a few people, make some deals, and you'll live happily ever after.

"I look down, nodding solemnly. "I've got no choice anyways, so why even bother..."

"That's it, now, come here." he waves me over to him, I walk up to him hesitantly. He smiles and rests a hand on my shoulder as I started to feel dizzy. Soon enough, I passed out.

Sean's pov

I wake up to the sounds of sirens and people talking. I open my eyes to see two paramedics (one male one female) standing over me.

"He's conscious! Put him on the stretcher and into the ambulance! He needs to get to the hospital immediately!" the female paramedic commands. I look around silently, seeing that I'm in the middle of a bridge, crowds of anxious people on either side. Then I spot them, Anti and Wilford standing near the bridge's edge sadly. Though, Wilford is carrying a corpse, covered top to bottom with stab wounds. Wilford didn't kill them, he uses his golden pistol. Anti didn't either, he drives people to the point of insanity, causing them to punch their own ticket.

So who killed them? Will turns around and I see the corpse's face, it's Mark. My eyes widen as I cry, I want to scream, I want to find out who killed my best friend and make sure they pay for their sins. But as of the moment, I'm in extreme amounts of pain, so all I can do is sob and hope that this is all some kind of sick joke, game, or a dream. 

Before I knew it, I was lifted onto a stretcher and taken into an ambulance. It hurt to breath, and I think the male paramedic noticed my troubles. He turned and grabbed a face mask attached to an oxygen tank, placing the mask over my mouth and nose to help me breathe.

"I'm John by the way, that over there is my friend Alice." He gestures to a blond female paramedic with emerald eyes. He blows his dyed orange locks out of his eyes as he looks at Alice who has taken out a clip board with a pain scale on it.

"On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?" She asks me, I painfully point to the frowning face at the higher end of the scale.

"Understandable sir, John?"

"Yes?" he replies.

"Get him some painkillers."

"We can't do that Alice."

"Why not?"

"Those are blood thinners, if we give them to him he'll bleed out." 

"Crap, right. Sorry sir. You'll have to wait till after your surgery." She apologises. Wait, surgery?! My eyes widen. What happened that hurt me so bad for surgery? Was I hit by a car?

"Surgery is required sir, you've been beaten quite badly. It looks to be you got in a fight. A pretty bad one too. I don't think you came out on top." She chuckles half-heartedly. My brows furrow, forming a puzzled expression as I try to remember what happened before I passed out.


I scroll through my Tumblr, liking and reposting fan art. The community is very creative, especially in the ways that they interpret my Alter Egos. I hear the door shut from upstairs. Google must've woken up.

I hear a mix of mechanical whirring and beeping, a human like growl sounding behind me. I'm nervous now. Google's footsteps approach my backside, slow and sinister. I don't turn to face him in fear of him attacking, knowing how he can be aggressive after startup.

My pupils dilate in fear as I see him in the reflection on the monitor as he brings his hands up and grabs my shoulders, spinning me around aggressively. Then punching me in the nose, a sickly crack sounding from it. He punches me again with the opposite fist, bringing it down on my cheek harshly. I'm frozen in fear as he wreaks havoc on my body, making discolored marks everywhere. Now I have a black eye, split lip, broken nose, and multiple injuries.

But he doesn't stop there, he kicks me off my chair leaving me on the ground. He pushes the chair aside and kicks my ribs. Repeatedly until another nauseating crack is heard, making it hard to breath. It's clear that he broke one or multiple ribs, his intentions of my demise are vivid. This is the end.

I don't understand why he's doing this! What did I do wrong? Is it because I didn't greet him? Did I trigger something when I plugged him in to charge? There was a split second where I saw that familiar brown. As I lose consciousness, I get a glimpse of Google's almond brown eyes, filled with regret and sorrow.

Flashback End

"Sir? Sir are you alright?" I hear John trying to get my attention.

"Y-Yeah, I'm-I'm fine." I clear my throat. "Was there a man with brown hair, w-wearing a blue shirt with a 'G' on it on that bridge?" I ask.

"No, I don't think so. Did you see him Alice?" He looks over to her, she looks like she's going to cry, tears prick the corners of her eyes. She wipes them away before she replies.

"I saw him. He- He uh, he jumped off the bridge. His friends did nothing to stop it." She starts to shake slightly as we pull up to the hospital. John tells the driver something, then turns back to Alice.

"You should head up to the employee lounge. I'll take care of the patient." He pats her on the back as she exits the ambulance mumbling. "This is why I can't work in the crisis department." 

John looks over at me solemnly. "We should get you inside." He looks me over while pulling me out of the vehicle on the stretcher, shaking his head. He pushes me through the emergency wing, alerting staff members. He brings me into the ER, shouting and hollering things to other surgeons. He replaces my current face mask with another that smells of chemicals. Anastasia. He gives me a thumbs up just before I fade into unconsciousness.

(Whoo hoo! 1287 words!! That took me a while! The decision part should come up next chapter, so please be patient with me.)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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