Plans and Past

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As we came to their house, I sat down on the couch to glance at them as they settled themselves in a circle around me. "Now lay it on me. Where is Vergil? I was expecting to see both of you."

Tori seemed to almost crack but then got up. "You'll have to excuse me for a moment."

She exited the room while I frowned. Now I'm not a shrink, but something's are not oblivious when it comes to love, or even something remotely akin to love. Heartbreak is not oblivious to me either. I took a wild guess and sighed. "Is Vergil dead?"

Dante shook his head. "Just fatally wounded. We fought after taking Mundus down."

I connected the dots easily after he said that. "So it was you who had stopped him from getting killed by his own brother huh? I'm surprised darling."

Kat glanced at me folding her arms. "Is that supposed to be a compliment? Or are you always such a dick?"

"Well coming from me it is," I replied, waving my hand nonchalantly. "Although if it makes you feel any better, I'm not always a dick, just sometimes."

Kat snorted at that then glanced at Dante. "So what's your story between him. You and Dante are relatives, yet you didn't come to fight against Mundus. Why?"

"Not my fight," I replied. "It's always better to not have to get involved especially with him. He was killed, congrats. Anything else is just smoking mirrors darling. We don't have any type of allegiance, Nephilim and all. We save our own asses and that's it."

"So why did you come with us? Surely we would be endangering you." Roni sarcastically said.

I glanced at her, analyzing her then crossed  my legs. "Well since you've asked, I have my personal reasons. Now why did you, Dante fight your brother? Weren't you two supposed to be inseparable, taking on the King of Demons and all?"

Dante sighed, "Well since I didn't even consider seeing anyone else from our family, I never really wanted to fight Vergil, but his heart is corrupted, or was. He wanted the world, and I stopped him."

"Humanity before family," I said, glancing at the ceiling. "Now you can understand it's just a shitstorm on both sides. You can't really expect to please anyone."

"Says who asshole?" Roni snapped at me. "Dante went through hell by having to fight his brother. Can you even consider how that feels?"

"Sacrifice," I said. "Is a hard pill to swallow for any. Sacrifice your family or humanity. I can see his dilemma. But still now that it's over humanity doesn't seem to be keen on understanding that there are more forces out there. Forces that are a lot more ugly than Mundus. Perhaps you should be more concentrated on that then asking me stupid questions."

Dante glared at me. "Dude, can you cut the fucking shit and tell me what is it that you mean to say? What forces are you talking about?"

"I'm still uncertain myself, but I still feel the darkness," I replied, standing up. "I'm not one for standing down, but I'll say this, stay clear for whatever comes your way. This is bigger and you need to concentrate on where Vergil is. He maybe the key to it all."

I started to walk to the door and Kat spoke up. "So where are you heading coward?"

I stiffened up and turned slowly towards her direction. "If it pleases you my dear Katrina, I'm going to go home and eat. Now if you are so concerned, you may join me to my quarters and we can ravish all you want after I eat."

Kat looked away which made me smirk.
Well, well, well, what's going on in your pretty mind?

I then opened the door, and I felt that darkness aural feeling, even Kat seemed to feel something, because she gasped out, making me turn back to her. What was going on? She looked me deep on the eyes. I saw fear. "You felt it too?"

I nodded then glanced back at Dante and Roni. I closed the door and walked back over. "Are you sure you don't know where Vergil's is?"

Roni seemed to be about to speak when I heard Tori's voice come from the doorway of her room. "He's dead or something, he's like in some kind of hell. I watched him get attacked by Dante, and Kat along with Roni were there taunting him. It was hard to handle... I don't really kno-ww." She started to shake with sobs afterwards. Roni ran over to her and hugged her close, while she began to take her back into the room. Tori then turned back suddenly. "He also heard his mother's voice. She said he was dead."

Dante glanced at her, his hands clenched right as he processed it. I then pulled out a silver amulet, setting it on the table while everyone watched.

"This was originally my amulet I used to manifest my power," I said. "At this time it's useless."

"What the hell do you mean?" Dante asked, standing up. "You really think demons can't kill you? That amulet is the source of your Nephilim power. Without it, you're  fucking dead!"

I smirked then glanced at Kat for a little while. "My powers exceed the amulet's ability to keep it inside. I have evolved if you will. I'm stronger and faster. My Nephilim powers are at their next stage. I don't need an amulet."

Roni and Tori dropped their jaws in surprise. It was quite comical. "You are stronger than all of us."

"Hmm, yeah you could say that. Vergil is moving to that next stage. You see, he is part angel, and he probably has used only his angelic powers. Now he has come to his demonic side to heal himself. He will be stronger if he succeeds."

"You know all about this? How?" Tori asked stepping forward.

I glanced at her, then looked at my amulet. "Long story short, I too had to go through a personal hell if you wish, and I learned to seek power quickly lest I not make it out."

Tori went to say more ad I gave her a long stare that made her close her mouth. I then sighed. "Look we've got a lot a problems, I'm hungry and I need to get home. I'll come tomorrow and we can discuss more on Vergil and this new dark force. Deal?"

Dante shrugged, Roni nodded, while Tori made no motion as she stared at me with a blank stare. Kat seemed reluctant to say anymore, while I decided to make one more attempt to mess with her. "You're absolutely okay with not coming with me Kat? I promise to be very loving like a teddy bear."

Kat then blushes slightly while I then made my way to the door, until Dante spoke. "You can always stay here Ramier. Remember the demons aren't fucking around."

"I've dealt with this scum for awhile, so I'm not afraid of them," I replied. "Plus I don't really do much with others. Loner and all. But I'll tell you what, I'll think about it and let you know tomorrow. Cool?"

Dante nodded while I then made a curt nod and left the house. Although I could overhear   Kat saying something. "He's kinda cute in a badass way.

"Yeah we could see you going all to pieces when he started flirting with you. Shit, I thought you would go with him." Dante chuckled.

"There's more to him that meets the eye," Kat replied, while then continued to walk; my hearing very acute. "He seems reluctant to talk about his past. I wondered what he meant that he had to go through his own personal type of hell."

I smirked as I turned the corner. I glanced at the sky as it was nearing the mid afternoon.

Something you Kat couldn't even fathom, not the rest. Not even the dead.

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