high school sweetheart

183 13 17

The hallway's volume rose as Zen rushed to finish up messing with Seven's locker. He had even made the effort to get to school early, forgetting a few of his books in the mix, and failing to do a majority of his homework. Honestly, he didn't even know why the sight of the redhead made his heart flutter and his brain stop working. They weren't even dating, but decorating his locker just seemed right.

Zen heard Seven's voice through the bustle of the incoming crowd of students, and panicked, abandoning his full plan with Seven's locker. Hopefully, not too many people saw what he did, as the school was mostly filled with airheads (including himself) anyways. People seeing him perform such a romantic gesture would surely ruin his reputation of a tough biker. Some knew that he was a sweetheart, but there was no way he would let them find out that he was THIS much of a sap, especially for someone he didn't even know. He turned around and glanced to see Seven walking towards him, so he took appropriate action, running behind a corner of the school hallway, watching as Seven approached his own locker.

Seven gasped, and his friends murmured. The locker was covered in red and pink hearts, some outlined with lace and white fabric, others displaying a ditzy high schooler's attempt at poetry. The redhead seemed taken aback, looking around in confusion. It almost seemed like he expected it to be a joke, and for someone to jump out and laugh at him. Students began to circle around his locker, whispering in confusion. Two roses stuck out of the locker slits, and one thornless pink rose was taped to the locker beside a box of chocolates. Seven reached out to grab the box, and slightly struggled with prying it off of the metal locker. Zen sighed and smacked his forehead repeatedly, nonverbally reprimanding himself for taping the box too much.

The redhead hesitated to open it, probably expecting a cruel prank, but inside there were only assorted chocolates in the shape of hearts. He slowly put one in his mouth, causing Zen to smile from the corner of the hallway. Another student tapped Zen on the shoulder, making Zen turn around quickly and smile awkwardly.

"Oh, hey...buddy." He said quickly, not even remembering the guy's name. The student rolled his eyes and pointed at Seven. "Isn't he pathetic? How much do you wanna bet he set up that whole scene himself? No way in hell someone did that." He scoffed. "Well.. maybe the chess club gathered up their funds to do it!" He laughed as if that was the funniest thing he had ever heard.

"Someone's gotta teach him how to act. That dude's taking all of the attention away from me; the babes are supposed to be fighting over who gets to take me out, then I'll go 'alright alright— calm down ladies we can all head over to my place and take a dip in my jacuzzi.' But they're too distracted watching this creep get a fake love letter!!!!" The student said, pulling Zen's arm. "C'mon, you agree right? Zen, you always pull the ladies, why aren't you stepping in there and taking the spotlight?"

"Why can't he just enjoy this holiday?" Zen asked, annoyed, "Don't you at least think it's romantic?"

"No, it's stupid as hell. Who sets up a whole scene for themselves? Let's go." He said, forcing Zen away from watching Seven study his locker in amazement. Zen frowned at his gesture being called stupid, and wondered if Seven thought the same.

Zen looked back at Seven, watching him open his locker, grinning as he watched the envelopes of love letters he had slipped in spill out. He looked away as Seven caught his eye, clearing his throat and walking quickly to his first class.

It was the first time he was early to class in a while, and luckily, it had the perfect view of Seven's locker, as the front walls were primarily clear. It was curious as to why they had created a classroom with glass walls (a 'glassroom' if you will), considering the rest of the rooms had actual walls separating them from the hallway. Zen sat by the transparent wall, ignoring his teacher's praise of finally being on time. His eyes zoned out, focusing only on the redhead's expressions and how his curls bounced as he laughed. Zen wondered where Seven would decide to wander around, as it was Seven's free period. Yes, Zen took the time to stalk Seven in order to figure out his full schedule. It's not weird, it's totally romantic. He didn't even stalk him or anything he just, you know, knew by following him around a bit. Zen smiled as Seven ate some more of the chocolate he had bought, only to have his view blocked by students sitting in front of him. Well, that was his cue to start napping.

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