Ch. 24

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Hey guys so here's chapter 24 I hope you enjoy it and thank you so much to all those people that have been reading this book and thank you for all the comments that you leave I really do appreciate them enjoy. Also a lot of questions will be answered very soon since a lot of things will be explained in the chapters that are coming up.

Scarlett's P.OV:

"What have you done," she said almost in a whisper. My aunt's expression soon change to one of fear and rage. "What have you done!" she said as she grabbed me by my arms and started shaking me and started shouting at me, she was hurting me. Fear soon took over me I had never seen my aunt like this. She had always being so loving and caring even overprotective this was a side of her that I had never seen before. I had started shaking and I could feel my blood going cold. When she saw me she realized what she had done and quickly let go of me. When she did this I took a step back as to put distance between us. "I.. I.. I'm, so.... so.... sorry," I said stuttering. My aunt turn around and went to sit on the sofa she just put both hands on her face and started crying. I just looked at her confused why was she crying. I slowly made my way towards her. "All this years of running around, hiding from them, trying to keep you safe all gone to waste," she said sounding angry. "Wh.. what are you talking about, hiding from who?, what is going on?" I ask.

My aunt too a deep breath as she tried to compose her self and just looked at me. "Scarlett you are not an ordinary girl," she said as she grabbed my hand. "Wha... what are you talking about?" I ask. " Before I continue I just want you to know that I love you and I did everything for a reason," she said. "Di.. did what?" I asked feeling scared of what she had to say next. "Scarlett. Scarlett you, you are a witch," she said hesitating a little. "What?" I said as I looked at her with disbelief. What was going on, what did she mean by witch. "Scarlet I know it's a lot to take in but listen to me I did everything for your own safety I had no option," she said as she got up and grabbed my shoulders. "You are special Scarlett you are not just any ordinary witch. There is something deep inside of you, something that it is only pass down to the first born child," she said as she smiled. I just look at her confuse what was she talking about. "you may not understand it right now, but you are the key to something greater thean anything you could ever imagine. Scarlett that is why I did what I did, you see if that power fell in the wrong hands, life itself could be destroyed." "What are you talking about what did you do?" I ask as I took a step back. "Please forgive me. I had no option," she said as she paused for a moment. "Scarlet I.. I..... I put a curse on you when you were little. I had no option it was the only way for you to be safe it was the only way to hide you from her I had no option," she said as she gave me this sad look. "What curse?" I ask hoping that it wasn't what I was thinking. "This is the real you. The one that is standing before me. The way that you used to look, it was part of the curse that I placed on you. In order to keep you hidden I had to put a curse on you, one strong enough to keep your powers hidden. I'm sorry Scarlett I had no option." As she said this I couldn't bring myself to believe this. "It can be your lying. are lying. You would never do something like this to me. You are my over protective aunt you would never do something like this to me this can be. Thi.. this.. this has to be a bad dream," I said as I trying to convince myself that this was not happening. "Yes! This is just a bad dream this is not happening. I'm going to wake up and everything's going to be okay. I'm.... I'm going to wake up and everything is going to go back to normal. I'm! Going to go back to my old self and... and.. and all of this that has been happening to me these few days will go away. Yes, yes this is just a dream," I said as I broke down into tears. "This has to be a bad dream. It has to be. It has to be," I said as I kept on telling myself and kept on crying. My aunt got closer to me and hug me tightly. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Scarlett," she said. "Why me. Why does all of this has to happen to me. First the girl that I thought that love me breaks my heart and know, the only family that I have left tells me that she's the reason that all these years that I've been bully it's because she put a curse on me. Why all of this keep on happening to me what did I do to deserve all of this, why?" I ask as I kept on crying. 

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