Friendship is everything

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"Hey, there you are. We thought you weren't going to come after all," Azara greeted, closing his book, and looking at the annoyed older girl who came into view.
"Hello, and what are you two doing out here? Shouldn't Azalea be here already," Dexa inquired, looking around, trying to spot the brunette girl.
"Oh yeah, she's obviously already here, but she's inside. She said something about how Pierce 'owed her one' whatever that means," Ylva explained, throwing her bag into the wooden carriage.
"It obviously means that she's going to try and get a horse we can use for free, and it's most definitely going to work," Azara answered.
"Why do you think that?" Dexa mumbled, sitting on the ledge of the cart.
"Well, everyone knows that Pierce fancies Azalea. He's totally going to let her use a horse for free, thinking it's going to win her over," Azara assured, carefully putting his book back with the others.
"As good as that may seem, Azara, I hardly think he would give her a horse for free. Everyone knows how strict his uncle is," Ylva objected.
Before Azara could snap back from that statement, Azalea walked out the shack like building smiling, "Guess who got us a free ride to Mount Morthal!"
Smirking slightly, Azara turned to his sister and whispered, "I told you so."
"Whatever, Azara," Ylva growled, glaring at him.

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