A life worth saving

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Azalea whipped through the trees, earning a few scratches, towards not so distant wimpers. Breaking off into a clearing, she spotted a scrawny pup backed against a boulder with two wolves surrounding it.
"Hey, get out of here," Azalea howled, launching a stone at them, knocking the stout one in the head. Turning their heads, the wolves growled at Azalea, forgetting about the pup, and started inching towards her.
"Oh, put a sock in it," Azalea hissed, drawing her dagger. The stout wolf launched at her, causing Azalea to slice it's leg, and kick it away from her. Whimpering in pain, it bowed down, turned, and ran away with it's companion chasing after him. Placing the dagger in its sheath, Azalea walked towards the the terrified little dog.
"Hey, hey, don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. Those wolves are gone now, it's just me," Azalea coaxed, holding her hand out for the puppy to smell. Cautiously, the dog sniffed Azalea's dirt coated hand, and then licked it. Azalea slowly moved her hand back to caressed it's short, oily, golden locks. Azalea smiled and moved her hands to pick up the pup, and held it to her chest. "Aren't you a pretty girl? I'm going to take you back to my friends, because I can't just leave you here," she explained, getting to her feet, and edging back into the cover of the trees.

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