An Unexpected Bump (Chapter 9)

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As you might have noticed this chapter is called "an unexpected bump." when you finish it, lemmie just tell you, PUN INTENDED.


"So what's for dinner?" Mark asked obnoxiously after welcoming himself into the bungalow. Who invited you in? I thought. No one invited you in, why are you here? I guess it wasn't THAT obnoxious, but when you hate someone, they tick you off even when they sneeze.

I couldn't help but take the time to think. Think about so many things. What is Mark doing here? Why is he ruining this for me, taking away all the possibilities of Elliot forgiving me? It was obvious that she felt comfortable around him, even friendly. Why would she forgive him and not forgive me? He was the one who made the dare and started all the trouble, it made no sense.

Did Ellie even know that he was THE Mark Sutton? The school jock, the bully from ninth grade? Of course she knows moron, she's not stupid.

I was the one who did it, agreed with Mark and I was the one that she fell for, she had no reason what so ever to forgive me. There had been so many things that I had done wrong, I sometimes just prey that I could get something right one of these days. That one of these days something would go right and it would go the way i expected. "Expect the unexpected" Louis would say. I smirked at the thought.

But the bottom line was, I didn't want Mark here at all. Absolutely not. "What a cunt" i muttered under my breath, ready to get up and join the rest of the party.

"Who are you calling a cunt, Styles?" an annoyingly calm, deep voice asked from behind me.

I turned around with a disguested look on my face. "No one, just drop it Mark."

I heard a snicker come out of his grinning mouth. "Girls can be so, so stupid sometimes." he said, which made me look up suddenly. "What was that?"

"Are you shitting me Styles? You think I'm actually here because I'm fond of that girl?" he spurted, which left me shocked. What was he saying? "I'm just making sure of the fact that she is still gullible. The fact that she is still weak, even though she thinks she has grown." Mark smirked to himself.

Though the conversation wasn't that intense and Mark seemed rather loose, my whole body tensed up when it was hit with sudden realization.He was going to make it happen all over again. Hurt Elle again the way he did and make her feel unwanted. And 10 bucks he would drag me into it. "You can't do that to her." I protested.

"Says who? You?" he snarled. "Who are you to say so?"

"I, am me. And you can't hurt Elliot again, you just can't. You don't know at all what she's been through the past few weeks, this is going to bring her down." I complained, making Mark laugh. "She has already told me about it all, and because of that, I know exactly how to bring her down."


"I know exactly how to bring her down." Mark snarled. What was that about? Her as in Elliot. What was he going to do to Elliot? All I knew was that Mark, Harry and Elliot knew each other from year 9. Possibly something to do with the Harry and Elliot issue, but how?

I knew nothing about it, so I decided it was best not to talk about it or mention it to anyone. I didn't want to make the whole situation big without understanding the problem.

Dinner was rather silent. Of course, the boys would crack us all up once in a while and we were all conversing like old friends, but something seemed to be missing from everyone. Not everyone looked to be themselves.

To me, Mark seemed a little full of himself. All he talked about was indeed, himself. He received this award, did that accomplishment, worked with this famous person, met that one, it was all about him.

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