I found you

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Walking towards the tiny bar at the end of the street, Stacey stopped as she answered her phone.

''What you at? Your bloody late!'' Ellie said down the line, obviously a little tipsy and angry at her lateness.

''Sorry Ellie, I had to restock the cans after some kid took one out of the center, fucking nightmare it was, just there now!.'' She said smiling.

''Well hurry up! Loads of hot guys in here tonight lovey!'' She exclaimed hanging up.

Stacey smiled as she stopped at the cash machine. She bashed the machine as if it would hurry it up more.

''Hitting it will get you nowhere!'' Said a husky voice from behind her.

''What the f..'' Stacey was about to direct some unlady like abuse at the man when she turned around she stopped.

Standing there, she had to look closer. Her heart swelled before it realised once again, mistaken identity of Lucifer. A stunning resemblance but had no trace of his personality or kind features. His were sharp and cutting. Attractive, but too baby faced.

He was tall like him, and had the whtish blonde hair. But his eyes were, blue. She grabbed her money and smiled at the stranger. Cursing the gods for making it harder to get over Lucifer.

''It takes ages to spit it out, have a great night and watch yourself there!'' she laughed walking away from the man.

''Yes, indeed lovely, you watch yourself too.'' He smiled through gritted teeth and gave her the chills.

Something about the way he spoke to het gave her the creeps. She shook her head and headed into the small local pub.

It was crowded and she had to squish past everyone to get a seat at the bar with Ellie who was talking to a guy, trying to lure him in.

''Hey Ellie.'' Stacey Sighed taking off her jacket and putting it on the back of the chair.

''Babe's!'' She said smiling ''you made it, god! you look friggen amazing!'' she gushed looking at Stacey.

''Yeah, I made an effort for a change!'' She smiled. And she really had for her, lick of mascara and eyeliner. A tight black vest top and black jeans. With cute little white pumps.

She had found hanging with Ellie had brought out a much more feminie side to her. She had become very close to Ellie in the months they had hung out.

''There she is!'' Shouted a male voice from across the way. Ellie rolled her eyes. Robert and Ellie did not get on well, but they were all friends and worked together well.

Robert made his way over to her with Garth and Nick. Their girlfriends were in tow too..

Great. They were a bunch of airheads. But friendly, but had nothin interesting to talk about. Always the same, this outfit that make up, spray tans and holidays. Ugh. Fake people. Ellie and Staceys not so favourite people. But for once in Staceys life, out of respect for her friends she was polite. As her friends were now important to her.

They all settled in and enjoyed the pints flowing round. The chatter and the local band were playing. You had to nearly shout to be heard, but it was a buzzing atmosphere.

The drinks were readily gulped and they all slowly got drunk one by one. And they were the loudest laughing group in the pub.

Stacey was enjoying her company, and went to the bar to get a round of drinks in.

She handed the barman her money and waited looking around at the people present. Everyone here in this town had a different view on things, it was refreshing and she felt happier away from the city and her family.

She spotted the weird looking guy again from the ATM, and he was looking straight at her smiling.

She felt her insides flutter in a not so nice way. He made her feel uneasy. His eyes. Something about his eyes were unsettling her.

She quickly bought the round and returned to her table where everything was soon forgotten.

The guy at the bar was still there, lurking, watching and smiling.

He realised what his father was on about. She was a very tasty thing. Dark like the ones from hell, but with a pure soul. His mouth watered. His lust was growing. Even if he was going to kill her, he would have his fun first.

Stacey was wobbling as she got up to leave with the gang.

''Hey sweety, watch it there.'' Noted Robert holding her arm firmly.

''OH Robert!'' Stacey hiccuped as she leant into him.

''It's ok, we will just get you home there huh.'' He said guiding her to the door.

The whole gang were heading back to Stacey's to ensure a safe trip and Ellie still lived with her mom and was bringing her hot guy home to Stacey's.

Roberts girlfriend had left some time ago with the others to go 'Clubbing' which Stacey had laughed at. And said she wanted to go, but Ellie reminded her it was mainly pop music and nothing special. Stacey sulked all the same.

Lucien sat at the bar and swore inwardly, there were too many humans around and he had not the power of his father. It had beens tripped long ago, due to his midemeanours with women, namely wicked deeds with lusting humans and killing them slowly. It upset the balance. But ah! LOOK at him! This vile creature, packaged so well.Like a giftwrapped present. He decided to leave it for now, and dissapeared, much to the eighty year old drunk man on the stool beside him. Who fell off with a heart attack as he saw a man dissapear!

Stacey was none the wiser as she hiccuped her way home leaning into Robert. He was a nice guy. But she just wasnt attracted to him. And it made her uncomfortable as she knew he was growing attracted to her. And she couldn't face upsetting anyone.

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