-|| Prologue ||-

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Wonderland, the place filled with magic and happiness. A child's heaven some might say.

  Two twin Cheshire Cats. A boy and girl. One is kind, one is naughty. But whatever difference they may have, they still won't forget to love and protect each other.

  "Aria," a young Cheshire cat addressed the other. "Come here."
"What is it,  Ari?" asked by the other Cheshire cat.
  "Do you see these red flowers?" The boy gestured to some plants around him in the color of blood red. The girl nodded in reply.
"These are Spider lilies. Flowers of the after life." The girl looked over at her brother and smiled in amazement. "Should we bring some of these to mother and father's funeral later?"


  "Papa?" A high-pitched voice was heard from above, seen on a tree branch colored in hickory. A child with curly and frizzy, carob brown hair spoke, parakeet irises staring down onto her red-head father wearing a multi-colored top hat, laced with ribbons and glitter. Her currant red and canary striped pajamas dotted with butterscotch polka dots made her look like a peppy little wrapper of candy. A smile beamed at the child, as a gloved hand caressed the child's fluffy mane of hair. "Will she return again? Like you told me in your stories?"

  The man sighed, patting his daughter's head and keeping the grin on his face. "Perhaps, she will dear. But we'll never know 'till it happens, will we?" He said joyfully, his shamrock green eyes meeting hers. The small child giggled, patting her father's forehead a few times before returning her hands onto the tufts of grass beneath her. "I really wanna meet her someday! She sounds really cool!" She exclaims, twirling around a ribbon of a bright chartreuse green color, standing out from her currently colored yellow and red pajamas.

  "Indeed she is, little candy-hat."

  "Sister, Sister! Look at what I had made!" A short haired child ran across the room, her wine red locks tangled as she ran over to her little sister. She grinned widely at her white-haired sister, hands held behind her back. "I made something for the two of us!"

  The called name perked up, her chiffon white hair bouncing. "What is it?" The other giggled a bit, slowly sitting down beside her sibling, hands still cupped behind her. "Should I close my eyes?"

  "Yes." The child replied simply. As her sister had finally closed her eyes, her hands emerged fro behind her, not cupped either. "Open them now!"

  Ruby red lights and frost whites flashed throughout the dark room. A heart hovered above the red child's hands, the small heart being divided in two: one half was red, the other white both blending with each other in the middle. It glowed softly, blush red in color. "Do you like it? Does it look cool Mirana?"

  The white child smiled, starry-eyed at what her dear sister had created.

  "It's lovely, Asano."

  Andrew and Alden, both are so-called in such name as Tweedledee and Tweedledum. They finish each other's sentences. Different from other pair of twins they truly are but they do have a thing in common, love for the other.

  He who told stories to children about the past. He who is very knowledgeable of the world he is in and the world next to them. He who knew the great woman who saved them all. He who is a young, literally, caterpillar of the old days.

  "Hatter, dear friend. What in the world of Wonderland have you gotten yourself into?" He asked as he towered upon the said man, who was stuck in gum and sweets that strapped onto him as he touched it. The hatter giggled as the other took his hand and attempted to free him. "Rabbit! Help out here, can you not?"

  The White Rabbit was about to argue of the time once again, but seeing as there wasn't any events today that'd make him late, he had no choice but help. That is, even though they tried, the all too mischievious Cheshire Cat had only made it worse, having collected caramel and chocolate in a bucket and poured it onto the still stuck Hatter.

  "Cheshire!" Everyone scolded, only making the floating man laugh slyly at his actions.

  Doug just woke up from his enjoyable deep slumber. He really was irratated that he saw his friends in a rather annoying situation and also in positions. It really was a pain for him to hang out with them but he feels true friendship.

  "Will dad come back?" Little Alice asked her sibling. Her big brother and sister stared at her in confusion. Their dad's been away for a long time now, at least that's what she knew. "Alice," her big sister started. "You know he can't be with us anymore." Her dad is already gone, gone for good. Dead. "Do you want to play?" her brother asked her. "Okay." She agreed cheerfully, forgetting the conversation they had earlier.

  As Alice opened the door she, saw her mother holding a tray with snacks. "Hi Mom." she went past her mother after the greeting. "She's asking about Dad again."
  "If only she knew."

  The black twin of the Cheshire Cats, Aria, stared awkwardly at the girl in weird clothing. You don't get to see that kind of person everyday, right?

" What are you doing here, miss?" she asked. The white twin tapped his sister on the shoulder." Isn't that a little bit rude, Aria?" he asked. This weird meeting is going nowhere." But Ari,–" she told her brother.

  A bubblegum colored hat popped out of a small blueberry bush, it's rosewood bow and crepe pink polka dots somewhat indicating that the wearer of the hat was a female. Then a short, not dwarfish though, girl rose from her position in the cotton-like leaves of the bush, her clothing being very blinding of color. A marigold blouse topped with a honey colored vest and a contrasting azure ribbon. Aegean skirt, arctic blue socks to the knee, and cider orange boots. They must have noticed her.

  She smiled nervously, but in a sudden breath, yelled in an eccentric manner, "Ey! My name is Trickster," she started, beaming happily at them. "but I prefer the nickname Trick. Trick Hatter."

  They couldn't move anymore. Everything hurts. The attack had made great effect on them. His sister first started to loose consciousness. He then followed after her and lost also his vision.

  A hushed cuss was heard from underneath her breath. It was painful, and she knows it'll be like this or worse as time passes. A choked cough and a spilling of thick liquid was all that was heard; then silence.

  Her irises dulled of its garnet color, cheeks that used to be powdered of her rose red blush suddenly pale, eyes pooling with tears as she stared down horrified at the sight. To say: it wasn't only her that was red, but the the one before her.

  A gasp escaped from his mouth, peacock eyes glossed as he fell down kneeling in front of them. Choking on a sob, he mumbled word incoherent to anyone, if anyone was around him.


Hello everyone!

It is me, Nyana, who published the first part of this book and had a hard time deleting all the other stuff mixed in it.

Hope you liked it though.


( i just like flowers-- )

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