-|| Chapter 1: Different Days, Same Problems ||-

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  Alice slowly walks around her house, footsteps loud enough to be heard in the empty and silent hall. She then enters the dimly lit bathroom, heading straight towards the mirror, gazing at her reflection. A hushed sigh escaped from her dried lips, before she whispers to herself, "It's been hard lately."

Before she can say or do another thing, her mom calls her, "Alice, dinner is ready!" in the same, slightly monotone voice she has. Alice proceeds to the dining room, a silent greeting to her family as she sat down silently. "Hey mom."

As she had started eating, Alice asks, "Mom, are we gonna be alright?" Her mom suddenly stops for a while and said, "Let's just hope the best for the future. Besides, your big brother and sister are there to support us, so don't worry." Her mom smiled reassuringly at her.

Alice sighed, nodding and gesturing to her mother that she trusted her, but in her mind, she doubted it. "I'm not hungry." She said, as she got out of her seat and went to her room acting in a way pf disappointment. She knew everything won't go back to the way it was all before. Walking, she knew she could do something to help.

She took her phone, opened it and saw very unpleasing messages. Mostly they were from bullies at her school. It made her feel more depressed than before. She knew she had to take this out on something. Not to someone who simply tried to help her. She trudged to the bathroom once again, leaving her phone on the bed. Alice said said to herself without doubt, "I need t make all this right. I can't stand those bullies bully me or my family." Saying this to herself made her think what the possibilities are.

She muttered, "Life or death. Free or jailed," she looked up at the mirror. "I'll do it without doubt."

Even though she said those words, kindness won her over. "But... Maybe I shouldn't. It will just make my life even more difficult." She suddenly felt heat all over her body. She took the thermometer and checked her temperature. "A-A fever?!..."

The sudden change of temperature worried her greatly. Something must be wrong; she was fine a minute ago, how come she suddenly has a fever? It seemed oddly high too. "I'd try to tell mom about this, but..." She huffed, returning to the thermometer and facing the mirror to check if anything else was wrong with her.

"Hmmm... Nothing else seems wrong. I better tell her..." She said while hurriedly going to tell her mom. Without paying attention that much, she hadn't noticed a rainbow glimpse at the mirror, flickering fast. She went to her mom quickly and said, "M-Mom, I think... I think I have a fever..."

When her mom turned to look at her, Alice suddenly collapsed. Her mother panicked and immediately brought her to the hospital.

Pitch black was all Alice could see, for maybe the past few hours unconscious. Soon enough, she had woken up, eyes practically being blinded by a bright light. She was not fully aware of where she is, but she hoped she was in good condition, and in a hospital. While opening her eyes, she heard talking.

  "Will she be alright?" Someone said while the person they were talking to answered. "Yes, but she needs to take medicines." The other voice said.

  Alice said to herself, "Wait, am I gonna be cooped up here for a while? I think I can manage to leave without the doctor's approval. Sadly, I can't."

  Since 'time' is fast, night came quick. No one is with Alice in her ward so she decided to wander around the room. She looked out the window and saw a magnificent blue butterfly outside. It went through the hallways which, of course, Alice would likely follow. So she did. She followed the little butterfly. It went everywhere in the floor her room was in, giving Alice the chance to chase it around. For some reason, it entered the bathroom. Following it, her timing was just right as she saw the butterfly merge, or pass through the mirror. In the bathroom, the mirror turned into... Something else.

  It had transformed into something you could call a portal. It had different colors, rainbows and colors that both made good palettes and not. It glowed brightly in front of the little girl, making her starry-eyed.

  Alice thought, "Maybe it's a way I can make things better," she started, about to touch the mirror-portal. "Either I go, or stay."

  She shuddered. "I'll need to pick. It's very important and can possibly change my life forever... And I can't go back so what would I choose?" She asked herself, confused. She thought about it truly and after several minutes she made her choice.

  "Maybe next time-" And just as she was about to finish her sentence and go back to her ward, something pushed her towards the portal. She looked at the 'thing' for a moment and saw a color of fluffy white.

  In a blink, her surroundings changed from the lifeless atmosphere of the hospital, to a multitude of chaos and color. Quite wonderful and fascinating to see, but things seemed to chaotic - as if she were in another world. And in that said chaotic world, a white rabbit child appeared with her, as he had jumped into the portal with her.

  "Wow! A human!"

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