#1 Getting Tagged by "Leo_And_Raph"

20 8 15

1. Tag 21 People or more
2. Answer all 21 Questions and create more for other people
3. One Week deadline
4. Don't Comment the answer
5. It must be in a book
6. Mention the person who tagged

And that's the rules ok let's get started.
I think I'm also ment to tell people about me as well but I don't know?

Person who tagged me was @_leo_and_raph_

1. What sexuality are you
I'm Heterosexual it means I'm Straight

2. If you had I hour left to live what would you spend that one hour one.
I would spend as much time with my family and friends because I love them to much I would die for them.

3. What's your childhood shows. (I have 5 of them)
1. Ren and Stimpy
2. SpongeBob SquarePants (I still watch that)
3. Teletubbies (I love it I don't know why people think it's scary)
4. Barney and Friends
5. Clifford the big red dog. /Catdog

4. Put these from greatest to least of interest.
Cuphead, FNAF, Babqfim, Batim, Anime, Manga, TMNT

1. Anime
2. Manga
5. Cuphead
6. Babqfim
7. Batim

5. Taken or single
Yep Im a Single Pringle baby /I'm just single

6. Do you roleplay on Wattpad
Sometimes I do

7. What's your favourite number
My favourite number is 4 / 5 or 6 I don't really know

8. Favourite colours
Blue, Black, white and red, yellow sometimes purple
If I had to pick one it would be yellow

9. How did you I find out about (_leo_and_raph_
I found out about Leo_and_raph and her stories. Also one of my friends said to follow Leo_and_raph so I did. (I like two of there stories dares for TMNT and Blood in my vains Raph X Reader)

10. iPhone or Android
I would say iPhone because their just better in my opinion but I do like the androids it's just iPhones are better.

11. Have you read all my stories. (By Leo_and_raph)
Not all of them but I will soon.

12. If you have, which ones.
Dares for TMNT / Tagged / Blood in my Brains Raph X Reader

13. What time is it were you at.
Right now it's...... 10:39PM at night

14. Who lives in the pineapple under the sea
ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............. No I kidding SpongeBob SquarePants.

15. Are you having fun answering these questions.
Yes I am actually.

16. Favourite holidays.
Christmas/ Easter and birthdays. ......... Don't forget the Valentine's Day.... I'm kidding I'm to lonely for that😞😞 JK

17. Chocolate or Strawberry

18. Tag two great friends on Wattpad.
Gabuh555 and Nathaniel-senpai those two are really awesome friends supporting me, voting and just everything please go follow them they are amazing.😊😊

19. Fill in the blanks.
Bendy and the ink Machine
Two easy... Hope I got it right😂.

20. What do you think about me (Leo_And_raph)
I think you are amazing talented writer and drawer I seen all your Drawings and there amazing and awesome 😎 😎😎 I find you really cool, funny, and more i love your Stories too they are just Amazing 😊.

Well that's all the questions were missing one but that doesn't matter right know....😥 Now I have to give you guys questions and tag people..... I will put the questions first then the people I'm going to tag.... Here we go.

Questions for the tagged people.
Here are the questions.

1. What's your favourite Cartoon show/Movie

2. Do you like night time or day time.

3. All PlayStations (1,2,3,4) Or Xbox 360

4. Favourite Horror Movie

5. Name 5 Stories you have read on Wattpad

6. Put these in order of favourites.
FNAF, bendy and the ink machine, Minecraft, Fallout, Skyrim.
(If you don't know what some of these things are then put them last).

7. Favourite Season. (Winter, Summer, autumn, spring)

8. Which do you guys like better
Batman, Spiderman, Superman, ironman..............or....the..hulk

9. Which do you prefer..... Strawberry, Raspberry, Blackberry or blueberry.

10. Cold weather or Hot Weather

11. Favourite Animal

12. Tag your two closest Friend on Wattpad

13. Name three of your favourite emojis.

14. Biggest Fear

15. Biggest Phobia

16. Favourite Songs

17. Favourite TMNT character (if you haven't watched it then just say all of them)

18. No T.V or No WiFi

19. Phones (Any kind) or Computers.

20. Name five things you like about yourself

21. Japanese or Chinese food.

Tagged people here. (Random/friends)

2. Crazy_Turtle_Fangirl

3. cnvallet0214

4. quadglitter

5. Gabuh555

6. __tmnt_lover__

7. IceCreamKitty7


9. tmnt51

10. _Toka_Yada

11. RaindropLily14


13. theturtleinblue

14. leoxraph

15. YourIceMeme

16. RAPHIESchick555

17. Tmnt_2012_Leo

18. Midnight2682

19. xXTmntNationXx

20. Philly-Kun

21. Hamcat2007

Ok here we go these are all the people I'm Tagging... And also if your name is on here and you don't want to do it then that's ok you don't have to do but some people say you have to do it because it's the 'Rules' and stuff but I don't mind.
And I hope you like answering my questions and stuff also let me know in the comments if you want to learn more about me and I'll do that so yeah..... I've got nothing else to say so I'm going to leave bye bye guys.👋👋.

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