Facts About Me - My Favourite Animal

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Ok guys here is some more facts about me here is a list of my favourite Animals and a little bit of a reason!!. Hope you in joy.

1. Red Panda..... (All the way their so cute)

2. Wolves.......(vicious things)

3. Turtles..... (Their small and Adorable!!)

4. Tigers.... (Aggressive thing they are)

5. Pigs... (So chubby and pink it's cute!!)

6. Red Fox..... (Adorable!!!)

7. Sharks..... (Because why not their cute.. kinda of!!)

8. Dogs..... (Their fluffy and cute animals)

9. Cats.... (Same reason as dogs except of the hairless ones).

10. Lynx..... (Because I love their pointy like ears).

11. Fennec Fox..... (Because they have the cutest face and ears ever!!💝).

12. Meerkats.... (Their soooooo Small and Adorable!!!)

13. Snow leopards..... (Their just awesome)

14. Pandas.... (Sooo CUTE!!! And Fluffy)

15. White Lions....( Because I love the colour of their fur and they look better then a original lion💝).

16. Barn owls..... (They have the cutest face)

17. Hedgehogs..... (Because their all Sonic the hedgehog!!!)

18. Spiders.... (Because their cool and some are Adorable!!).

19. Chinchillas....( Their eyes are big and just cute!!)

20. White Tigers.... (Same reason for the white lions)

21. Koala.....( Their Amazing animals there everywhere were I live).

22. Kangaroos.... (Same reason for a Koala).

Ok guys that's all my favourite Animals but my first favourite is a red panda their just so cute... Let me know in the comments what's your favourite Animal is........😊 Red pandas

😊 Red pandas

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Aren't they Adorable things💝💝💝💝

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Aren't they Adorable things💝💝💝💝.

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