Chapter 1 - Memories once forgotten

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It was just another day.

Another dull and boring day, just another game of 'I spy' in a monitor, watching poorly lit grey and brown walls covered with ivy through static cameras.

My head was resting on top of my arms as I looked up at the screen, shades of blue, green and grey manifestating themselves on my hair and clothes.

The room had no light, except for the one emanating from said monitor.

It was only 10 square feet, and hosted three panels equipped with one monitor each- one in the left, other in the right and the last one in the middle.
Each one faced a different direction in the square room, leaving only one wall without light. The middle screen faced the door directly, casting light on however decided to enter.
It was also the one that I was used to working on.

I dared to close my eyes and rest for a while, but not even one minute had passed when a calmly stern voice commented about it.

"Stop snoozing off. We're working."

I opened my eyes slightly, just enough to prove that I was awake.

"I'm tired." I replied, my voice muffled by the clothes in which my face was buried in.

I looked to the monitor on the right, where a boy with dark hair and blue eyes stood, balancing himself on his chair like an highschooler, his feet almost on top of the tab. Still, he had the most serious expression on, and his eyes didn't leave the screen.

I hugged my arms, looking at him through the corner of my eyes, feeling small and lazy.

"Like you are one to talk about." I stated, touched by the hipocrisy.

He stared at me for a while, then let his feet down. The chair fell back into its normal position.
He leaned forward and intertwined his fingers, like a boss who was unsatisfied.

"I" he started, his icy eyes threatning to turn me into stone "have the most boring job in this facility. Do you want to argue about that?"

I looked at my friend, processing.
"Fair enough." I concluded, returning to my comfortable position.

The screen I stared at presented a narrow alley- that just like everything else, was a path between two giant grey walls covered in thick vines and ivy.

The grey reminded me of the ceiling over us.
I guess I could imagine a beautiful sky on its place, filled with a pink cover and soft clouds, or a dark blue matress and shiny stars. But for the time being, I'd have to stick to wondering what my purpose was, while laying face up and wide awake in the late hours of the night.

The ceiling, the closed spaces, that building, all of them things that I had dealt with all my life, with no end in sight. The sky was too far and out of my reach. It would probably remain that way.

God, I felt like a termite. A plain, normal worker type of termite, that hides in its nest and does not come out, only focuses on work until it dies.

I sighed and went back to watching whatever around the room could distract me.

There was a specif dot on the wall opposite to me that I'm sure wasn't there last week...

And then there was Peter, my friend. Co-worker. Thing.

A person that I could never really understand to the fullest.
Peter, with his sea tinged eyes and raven coloured hair, quiet demeanour and sympathetic attitude. And on top, a cold demeanour.
At least towards me.

I had known him for years, but he would forever stay a mystery.
Nobody knew exactly how he got here, nor who sent him, but given his tender age when he arrived, I'd just always assumed the worst - his parents brought in and then payed the toll.

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