Chapter 2 - The Beginning

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Dreams are confusing. They are flashes of something that we can never quite grasp. Colours of disclosure, and famliar faces that we never saw. They often leave us wondering if anything was real at all, or was it just a reflex of our own to the things that trouble us and we can't resolve?

And then, it's like all that you need is a word, and sudenly, you are awake.


That's exactly what happened to me. Flashes of white, grey, and blinding lights, then brown. Then red. And with a jolt, I was awake.

There was no jumping up in terror, not even a spoken word out of fright. Just a jolt and eyes flutering open.

I blinked twice quickly, then squinted my eyes to adjust them to the darkness of my own room. My small, clean and personal nest.

I slowly got up, sitting in my bed. Most of the covers had fallen off, leaving my pale skin cold and full of shivers. I gripped the blanket I had on top of me, passing a hand through my messed up hair.

It's been a while.

Now feeling defenitly a little more awake, I looked at my watch. It was one in the afternoon.

Well. There goes my sleep again. Not that seven hours of sleep was bad at all, but since I only had to go back to work at eight and taken that I couldn't go back to sleep now, it left me a long time to work with.

Oh well. Guess that it was time for breakfast.

I got up, heading towards my bathroom, flicking on the switch to turn on the lights. I immedeatly covered my eyes and squinted my eyes again to protect them from the light, but I was done with it quickly. I looked at the mirror, yawning.

Oh boy. I looked terrible.
But I had looked worse in the past.

Anyway, I washed my face, brushed my teeth and then my hair, trying to look more presentable. So far so good.

I walked towards my bedroom and switched my pajamas for some comfy clothes, nothing fancy.
Because, in fact, I don't have anything fancy.
Just a plain white shirt with long sleeves and some soft blue jeans.

And even if I had, who would even care? All that matters is the work, I don't dress to impress anybody.

After I was done taking care of myself, I headed out. I walked to the cafeteria, the sound of my footsteps echoing on the floor along with everybody else that came and went.

I kept my head down, and my gaze fixated in the ground, not daring to look at the other doctors and scientists that passed through me. The less attention that I drew to myself the better.

"Pamela." I heard somebody behind say.

I stoped and looked around, finding that it was Dr. Ava, walking swiftly towards me.

"Chancellor Paige." I responded, waiting for her to speak.

She calmly walked in my direction, her heels clicking on the ground with each step. She adressed me with a serene yet peaceful look.

"Pamela, I presume your work is going well." She assumed.

"Oh. Yes. Everything is going as planned. I'm intending to add some adjustments to the Grievers today, since our Observation Room has been glitching. I've asked for a temporary room, but none are available..." I looked at the ground, feeling slightly anxious. Ava might be a very calm person, but it feels intimidating to be in the presence of somebody so wise and sure of herself like her.

"Yes. We are facing some difficulties lately, but I do believe the source of the problems are coming from below the building. I'll have somebody go check it out."

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