13 | Ham's Birthday Party [Kyle]

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The next day, we found ourselves running in the mall, trying to beat time.

"Sergi, why did you take so long buying those Pokemon cards?" I scolded him while we avoided bumping into poeple and the stalls.

"Well, I needed to pick the best packs so that Ham could get 'holo cards' inside." Sergi replied as we got outside the mall.

"How do you even know that the one's inside are good? And are you even sure that Ham likes Pokemon?" I shouted at him while we were waiting for a tricycle to ride.

"Dude." Sergi placed his forearm at my shoulder, "You do know that Ham was wearing a Pokemon shirt yesterday, right? So that means that he likes Pokemon!"

Then a tricycle finally approached as and we went inside, "Flores (street), Diamond subdivision po." I told the address to the tricycle driver and off we went.

"What's the time?" I asked Sergi and he had a nervous look as he looked at his watch.

"12:15." He answered.

"Crap." I murmured, "We should have been there 20 minutes ago."

"No worries. Remember, girl's are very patient. That's why they take too long at the shower, or at picking the right shoe to buy."

"You're right, I guess." I told him, "Plus, they're British. Aren't British people supposed to be patient?" I stated.

"Possibly Kyle, possibly." Sergi answered as we were about a mile more away from their house.


As we arrived there was a banquet in their awfully big (and I mean very very big) garden. There were kids and teens running, some are playing football (real football), and their parents are just talking to each other's parents.

As we were walking inside Geoffrey saw us and immediately greeted us and bowed.

"Afternoon, Kyle and Sergi. I see you two are a little late."

Of course we coudn't react from what Geoffrey said. 

"But then again, at least you still came." He grinned at us then escorted us inside.

Technically the Brinleys' pets are getting gang-hugged by all the teens and children.

Golem had 2 small kids grabbing it's tail and he was trying to be pulled by both of those boys. Thank God their pets are trained or else, they could have their skulls cracked.

Then we saw Ham and Harry going through the presents. Harry was shaking it and listening inside if it could be a toy or what; while Ham was sitting there behind him slowy tearing the wrapper little-by-little to take a peak of what's inside.

Mr. and Mrs. Brinley were in the dining table talkin to their guests. Who are most likely to be their relatives and co-workers since the fact that all of them look rich.

But the thing that me and Sergi noticed is that the Brinley house...is packed. There are people every where. It's as if Ham's actually a major superstar that starred in the new Home Alone movie and it's his birthday today and you can see Tom Hanks eating with the birthday boy's parents.

"Kyle." Sergi called me, "Where do we go?" 

The truth is, "I don't know." I answer him as we just stand in the corner while people walk through us.

While waiting for something, I felt someone tugged me shirt. As I look behind me I see little Harry wave at me and gave me a huge smile. 

"Hey. It's Harry Potter!" Sergi said as he saw him too and patted him in the head.

"Harry, where are your sisters?" I ask as I bend over to him as our heads become adjacent. 

Harry then points up to one of the rooms upstairs. Hannah's room.

"Oh, thanks Harry." I said as I grabbed his cheek.

I looked at Sergi and I said, "Let's go meet them up." He nods and off we went.

I'm not sure if it's okay that we just unnoticingly go up. Well, we've been there yesterday when we taught them Filipino and they taught us French. Well, we actually didn't teach them anything, and they didn't teach us anything.

Now that we're up, we just stood in front of their door. All of their doors have signs of which room was which. Like this one had a purple sticker with 'Hannah' written on it. 

Sergi looked at me then said, "Who's goona knock? You, or me?"

I moved my shoulder indicating that I didn't know.

"Fine." Sergi said then grinned. Before he knocked, he looked at me again, inhaled then exhaled, then finally he knocked.

We then hear the grils murmur, "Must be mum." a voice of someone we don't know said. Then that someone finally opened the door. 

It was a girl, she was older than Hazel and Hannah but she almost looked like them, an older version of them. I guess if you combine the twins together you get this girl, since her hair is both color blonde and brown. 

 "Hello, um we're looking for Hazel and Hannah?" Sergi said nerviously.

"Oh," the girl somewhat giggled then said, "You must be Gio!" yet again, someone says Sergi's new nickname. Then she looks at me, "And you must be Kyle!"

"Um, yes(?)" we both said in unison (then we brofisted).

"Goody then! Why don't you blokes come in? They're right inside!" the girl said, "I'm Hayle by the way." (pronounced as Hay-lee)

"Hello then, Hayle." we both (then yet again, brofisted)

Hannah's room was pretty clean (just like Hazel's), her bookshelf was pretty filled with books and she had posters of the Beatles and One Direction on the walls. Pretty much what a 17 year old British girl's room.

And what I saw then was something that almost made me blind.

Life of Teenage Bookworms [On Hold and Currently Editing]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt