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"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPP!" I scream but nobody came. He penetrates me with great force and power that I don't know what to do, my body gives up fighting and I pass out.

I wake up in the hospital a few hours later and there is press and fans outside my hospital room.

"Sasha?" I croak. She stands up and rushes to my side. "Sasha, get Lenny on the phone right now and tell him, tell him I need a bodyguard." I then pass out. Again.

I don't think I have fully introduced myself. Hi I'm Ash and I'm a 25 year old actress who is well known around the world, what just happened to me was just horrible. And unspeakable beyond words. The nurse said to me once I woke up that if I wasn't on birth control I probably would have been caught pregnant. That's not the worst part, the worst part about the whole situation is that it doesn't look like he is done with me as when I was found it was with a note on my chest and it read:

Next time, I'm killing you. Watch your back.

I mean who does that? seriously? Anyway I asked Sasha to get me a bodyguard as I don't feel safe on my own anymore. But who she got for me came as a big surprise.


"...No I said I don't do Hollywood." I say, taking another long drink of lemonade.

"Please Costner she was raped and threaten by death by some crazed lunatic and you are one of the best I know." Lenny says. I think for a moment and look at him.

"Who is it?" I ask, taking another longer sip.

"Ash Wormwood."

I almost choke on my drink when he says the name.

"You OK?" He asks me. I think for a moment. Then anger fills my body and I look at Lenny.

"I'll do it?" I grit and storm back into the house. Packing my essential bag I get ready to leave.

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