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Days are passing by, really slow. I woke up today early, really scared. Your face is disappearing from my mind. I am starting to forget and it hurts. You are disappearing without a sound, more and more without a reason.

Is this your way of telling me that I have to move on?

Or is it all a misunderstanding? 

Maybe the guys are right. Maybe I am becoming crazy a little more, every day.

Last night I fell asleep with my phone in my face. I still have your last messages, the ones you sent me that day.

And I am sorry.

Sorry I was too late to answer. Sorry I haven't realized before that you were screaming for help. 

I feel useless because now I see every sign that you sent us clearly.

'Yonghyun-ah, why am I alone? I need somebody.. now'

'You are fine like that baboyah'

'Among all the people surrounding around me.. i feel alone'

'Trust me, you are never alone!'

I was a fool.

I was childish because I thought that you were playing. We always have played like that, making fun of each other, laughing at the fact that nobody could stand us or our stupid sense of humor. We were reckless, we were crazy people with a vision of the world that no many people could share.

I always wanted to tell you that you could count on me. In my heart... you..

You were never alone in my heart since I was there with you.

Why wasn't I smart enought to tell you my feelings?

'Is anyone there?'

Yes, I was.

But I was late.

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