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Chapter song:
Pillow talk-Zayn

Looking at the starry sky at high altitude was something sensational, I could say to touch the sky with a finger.

The constant weight on my stomach seemed to ease as I walked away from my hometown, leaving everything behind was certainly the best thing.

I turned around to find Manuel sleeping with his mouth opened still with his earphones on his ears, I carefully moved them aside and stopped the song.

By now he's the only one left next to me, my sister wanted to stay in our city to stay with her boyfriend and I don't blame her, I would have done the same too.

I moved a dark lock that fell on his forehead making him curl his nose, I jerked my hand back to not wake him and I refrained from laughing receiving a dirty look from an old woman who was reading a worn book.

I returned to look at the window at my side, resting my head on the palm of my hand, I had to give my life to my teacher, it was only thanks to her if now I was there.

I've always been good in English and when we went on a trip for a month in London I could not help but to fall in love with that place, everything was perfect even if there was hardly some sunshine.

For almost a month all my problems were set aside but as soon as I set foot in Mondragone fling back at me, it get even worst.

Thanks to her knowledge she managed to find an accommodation for me, even if I had to share the house with other people, I did not complain about it, for me it was already so much even if I would have preferred to be alone or with Manuel.

So as soon as I graduated I took the first flight to London with the only person left by my side.

I turned to look at him, now he would go to college, even if he had promised that he would spend all his free time with me I already knew that we would rarely see each other, and this makes me a little sad.

It was especially for this that he came and even if he was about to convince me to register too I refused, I hated the school and certainly I would have regret that choice the next day.

I put my head on his shoulder and closed his eyes suddenly become heavy.

"Christ Joi, wake up!" I moaned something and draw a small fist to the chest of my faithful companion.

"I don't want to go back to that crap of Mondragone, so either you wake up or I'll put tweezers in your eyes to let you open them!"

I opened my eyes and crumpled them gently, blinding myself as soon as the sun's rays gave me a good morning.

"To God be the glory, I swear that for this miracle I will go to Mass every Sunday" I punched Manuel's slender shoulder and made him laugh.

"Stupid" I got up by taking the backpack and leather jacket, even if it was hot I wore it, not knowing the London climate.

"What did you bring in that backpack? Are all crap like Twix and jars of Nutella?"

"No, there are my clothes, the few make-ups that I have and some shoes"

"God, I brought more stuff than you and I am a boy," he said, snapping the handles of the various suitcases.

He was right, I brought little stuff thinking to start all over again, I just brought what I needed to survive the first days of stay.

We cautiously come down from the plane and stopped at the airport to check our suitcases.

The teacher said that the girl I was supposed to live with would have picked us up there, adding that she would recognize me, so I didn't take much care of it.

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