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Chapter Song:
A.M.- One Direction
I opened my eyes, looking for the first time in nineteen years the ceiling of a room that was new to me.
I pressed the central button of the phone checking the time, it was only 7:23.
I rubbed my eyes and stood up, dragging my feet toward the aluminum and glass door, opened it and then crossed the corridor into the kitchen.
I found Nate having breakfast with a bowl of milk and colored cereals.
"Good morning Joi"
"Good morning Nate"
"Do you want some milk and cereal?" I shook my head watching him dip other colored cereals, I’ve never seen of this kind in Italy.
"Did you sleep well?"
"Yes, thanks you?"
"Well thanks" I sat at the table, turning the necklace around my lips, I felt Nate's eyes on me then I decided to take a speech to remove the embarrassment.
"So, you have to go to work today?"
"Yes, precisely in an hour"
"What’s your job?"
"I work in an editorial"
"Seriously?" he nodded and took another bite of cereal.
"Dan also works with me"
"It must be nice to work among books"
"Enough, do you like reading?"
"I love reading" I corrected him curling a lock of hair with my fingers.
"Well, if you want one day you can come with me and Dan"
"I would be very happy" he made one of his beautiful smiles and put the spoon in the now empty bowl.
He got up and took a glass and a juice from the fridge and handed them to me.
"Oh, thank you" I said, blushing.
"Do not be ashamed to take things, now this is also your home" I smiled at him and poured some of the apple juice into the glass while watching him as he placed the empty bowl in the sink and sat on the couch.
I took the glass and placed myself on the sofa too, but at a certain distance from Nate, making him laugh.
"Look, I do not bite"
"Oh yes, I know" he turned to the TV and we began to watch Blindspot, when the infamous Chinese was about to kill the good policeman I shuddered and put my hands to my mouth, making the blond laugh.
"Do not laugh, I was anxious!" I said hitting him lightly on the shoulder.
He burst into a roar of laughter and I began to complain until we felt eyes staring at us and we turned to meet Cameron's jade and sleepy ones.
"You are doing a mess in the early morning," he said, dragging his bare feet to the fridge.
"The juice is here" Nate informed him without taking his eyes off the TV.
Cameron snorted and approached the glass table where I previously placed the bottle of juice, the hair was messed up and the temptation to sink a hand and arrange them to make them perfect was so much.
He took my glass and poured the clear drink into it and then brought it to his lips.
"That was my glass"
"Should I pretend I care about it?" he asked, looking at me with eyes still half closed for the exhaustion.
I snorted getting up and went to the bathroom to take a shower, closed myself inside and opened the jet of hot water so that the nerves relax.
I finished my vanilla routine and dressed.
I dried my hair well and curled it with the underwire, applied mascara and the work was finished.
I went back to the kitchen where I found Cameron sprawled on the sofa and Nate near the hook while taking a black jacket.
"Are you already going?"
"Yes, work calls me"
"Bye Joi" he smiled at me for the last time before going out.
"Bye. Bye Joi" Cameron mimicked us, thinning his hoarse voice to try and imitate me and Nate, looking up at the sky disgusted.
"You know you're not funny, right?"
"Yes, I know" he replied, taking back his frown on his face, I wondered how the hell he could stay all day with a sulky face, for me after a while it starts to hurt.
I looked at the clock on the wall that marked it was half past eight and started cleaning the dishes waiting for Aaron to wake up to go and do shopping.
"Do I have to buy you something?"
"Mh?" he grumbled, raising an eyebrow, not understanding.
"I have to go shopping; do you need anything?"
"Cigarettes" I imagined.
"They do not sell cigarettes in supermarkets"
"I know, but near the supermarket where Aaron always goes there is a tobacconist"
"All right" I finished washing the dishes and Cameron kept zapping with the remote control until we heard a door opening.
"Good morning guys"
"Good morning" I replied, Aaron seemed in a good mood even when he just woke up.
"I see you're ready to go shopping, give me two minutes and let's go"
"Take your time" I said and saw him disappear again in the corridor.
Waiting for him to finish getting ready, I went to my room to empty my backpack so that I could take it with me, I put my clothes and underwear on the bed and my shoes on the floor.
"Joi, I'm ready, are we going?"
"Yes, a minute" not having time to place everything in the closet, I left everything like that for the moment, as soon as I returned I would have arranged everything.
I closed the room and joined Aaron.
"Bye" I said to Cameron, hoping he would return the greeting, in vain as he did not take his eyes off the TV, I snorted and followed Aaron who kept chuckling.
"Why is he so unpleasant?"
"I don’t know, he's like this but strangely with you he's even more detached"
"Oh well, so am a pain in his ass?" listening to my vulgarity, he turned shocked and burst into a thunderous laugh while I put my hand to my mouth.
"I did not know you use these words"
"He escaped me," I replied, biting my tongue.
We climbed into the black car and went to the supermarket, he went around to visit London showing me and explaining all the most famous beauties he could reserve.
We arrived at a small supermarket and, as Cameron said, there was a tobacco shop right next to it.
As a stupid, I had not asked him what brand he was smoking but thinking about it he would have been able to please himself, deep down he always treated me badly and it was already so much that I did him this favor.
We entered the white building and Aaron's eyes began to glow when we arrived at the chocolate department.
He began to take, by experience, the things he thought best.
Secretly I took a bar of chocolate that he told me he loved but could not afford, taking it maybe I would have thanked him at least a little for the company he was giving me.
We also passed through the department of drinks, detergents and body wash, from how he moved I understood that he knew that shop as his pockets.
When we arrived at the cash desk a blonde girl of about twenty years smiled at us and winked at Aaron, as soon as she finished the last product I secretly paid the bar making her laugh.
Aaron took the three overflowing grocery bags and set off for the car.
"Wait, give one to me"
"Girls shouldn’t force themselves," he said smiling and making me blush, the decision to buy that chocolate now seemed to me to have been good.
As soon as we got in the car, I put the backpack on my feet and he put the various bags on the back seats before he could start I took his hand, making him turn around and point his eyes in mine.
"This is for you," I said, throwing the violet-wrapped bar making his dark, shiny eyes open wide open.
"But what? Why? It's my favourite chocolate!"
"I wanted to repay you for everything you are doing for me and above all for supporting me" still smiling, he brings me forward in a warm hug that I returned, it was so long since someone hugged me that way.
I take off reminding myself that I still had to buy Cameron cigs.
"Sorry, I have to go and get one last thing"
"Sure, don’t worry, I'll wait for you," he replied, starting to unwrap the bar.
I got out of the car and walked towards the small building, as soon as I opened the door the air conditioning overwhelmed me causing me shivers and a man smiled at me from behind the counter.
"What can I do for you?"
I began to study the different brands of cigarettes looking for one that was suitable for Cameron, so I chose Chesterlfields and placed them on the counter to pay.

The man tapped the price on the counter and handed me the rest,
then greeting me politely, could not that stubborn curly be like that?

I returned to the car where Aaron had already eaten half his finger
asking me if I wanted a bit and I gently refused.

We arrived in five minutes at home and when we entered, we found,
as usual, Cameron sprawled on the sofa.
Aaron put the bags on the island and I approached Cameron.

"Here" I said, handing him the packet of cigarettes.

He frowned, running his eyes from me to the package.

"I hate this brand of cigarettes, they are too sweet for me"

"Sweet?" I asked, not understanding what he meant.

"Yes, I smoke those that are much more stronger and with a much
trod taste of tobacco"

"I'm sorry, maybe if you had informed me which one you use I would have took them for you"

"Marlboro, and do not forget it" I looked up at the sky and threw the
package away on the table.

"You can even throw them off as much as I'll never smoke them." I
looked up at the sky again and refrained from answering badly and went to help Aaron arranging the shopping.

Victoria arrived half an hour later and immediately began cooking, I
promised her that I would learn so that she could rest and in response she said that there were no problems.

Nate and Dan arrived shortly after and with my help we all prepared
the table together.

"Cameron, come and help us too" Dan said, still laughing at Nate's
stupid joke.

"No" I bit my lip understanding that I was the cause and when Aaron
noticed it, he patted my shoulder to encourage me.

We began to eat pasta with mushrooms, everyone laughed except Cameron who continued to eat with his continuous pout on his face.

I helped Victoria sort everything out and wash the dishes and then
reach the boys on the couch looking at Dr. House.

"Joi" I opened my eyes and did not realize I was asleep on Aaron's

"If you are sleepy you can go to your bed, I don’t think there’s something to do here, Victoria has already cleaned everything"

"Oh, yes" I replied, rubbing my eyes and walking into the bedroom.
I moved all the clothes and all the other stuff on the desk, the urge to
replace everything was equal to zero.

I threw myself on the bed checking the time, it was 15:20 and a nap
would certainly not hurt me.

I opened my eyes watching the orange rays of the sunset through the white curtains, I looked at the phone and saw that it was 18:45, more
than a nap it was a coma.

I got out of the bed, opened the door, and slowly crossed the corridor, I went to the kitchen and find Cameron near the window sitting on the small projecting edge.

His profile was illuminated by the lights of the sunset and his eyes
were focused on a small blue package.

He shook his head weakly, swinging his dark curls with coppery
reflections, and closing his eyes, he restrained a smile, taking a
cigarette from the pack and resting it between his lips, put the
packet in his jeans pocket and lit it, throwing out the first cloud of
smoke then turning to the window.

Those were the Chesterlfields I bought him.

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