Chapter 7- Lights Out Candy and Star

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Candy Angel was sleeping, unknown images were flashing through her head; causing her to toss and turn in bed. She was having difficulty sleeping. Purple stars had appeared on her cheeks and were glowing for a bit, before they slowly started to disappear without a trace. She then fell off her bed, making her wake up immediately. "Ow." She rubbed her head.

She yawned. "That was strange?" She got up and started to get ready to go to school. She then put on her winged hairband and put on her backpack.  When she was at school, she saw Star and Marco walking together.  Star then invited Candy to join them for breakfast in the cafeteria, in which she accepted. They all sat down in a booth. There were also some others that were also there.

"Hey look who's here," Star put her hand out to Candy.

"Hi!" Starfan13 waved.

"Hey there stranger," Janna bluntly said.

Candy sat down in a booth with Star, Marco, Janna, and Starfan13. She wasn't used to being around so much people so she was quiet most of the time (considering that she is shy).

However someone new arrived; a dude wearing a black hoodie.

"Hey." Star whispered to Candy. "Do you see that guy over there with the hoodie?"


"Well that's Makoto."

"Oh." It was Candy's first time ever seeing Makoto in person. Makoto approached the booth that Candy and Star were at. Candy finally decided to say a word. "Hi." She said to Makoto.

Makoto was also quiet that he didn't respond back to Candy, he just stood there looking at her. Candy thought that she got a bad impression of him since he didn't say anything back to her. For the rest of the time, she didn't speak to anyone; she just spaced out.

By the time she was thinking about Makoto's whereabouts, she noticed that he was gone. He must of left early when no one noticed. Candy remembered that he said that he leaves early when he starts to feel like he's left out of the group.

"Hey, do you want to spend the night at my house?"

"Oh geez..I don't know Star?"

"Come on, it'll be fun! I promise!" Star reassured her with a pleasant smile.

"Oh okay."

Marco was sitting down on the couch in the living room, using his phone. The door bell rang, alerting him with his surroundings.

Star ran downstairs. "I'll get it!" She opened the door and saw Candy.
"Hello Star."

"Hi! Come in," Star said. She closed the door.

"Where do I put my stuff at?" Candy was holding a bag.

"You can put it upstairs in my room. Come on, I'll show you." Star led her upstairs to her room. Candy set her bag in a corner. "You have a nice room."

"Thank you."

"Where will I sleep at, though? Am I going to sleep in the living room on the couch?  On the floor in your room? On your bed?"

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