Chapter 5

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The door opens revealing my father.
I screamed as he ran over to me. He picked me up and punched me in the face. It all goes black.

I wake up. In a unfamiliar but very familiar place. Then I heard a voice.
I looks over and see Brendon,Logan, the twins and Tessa.
L: hey guys.
Brendon begins to cry.
L: come here.
He walks over to me along with everyone else. They all gave me a hug but I held Brendon longer.
L: so what happened.
B: Well your father took you but Emilo called people to help you and they did. Your father is in jail. Also um.. you are pregnant.
B:I'm so sorry.
He cries even more and holds my hand and squeezes it. I squeeze back and rest my head on his.
L: it's okay baby calm down please.
B: I can't.
He cries even more as I pull him onto the bed. I lay him beside me and cuddle up to him.
I look over at everyone.
L: guys I'll call you all when we're all okay. Thank you Emilo. Love y'all.
Lp: okay take care. Bye.
We all wake good bye as I hold Brendon closer to me.
L: babe. Please calm down it's okay.
He calms down and kisses my lips. I kiss back and then pull away.
B: it's my baby. But I know your not ready.
L: babe we can do this. We have each other. I also have a confession to make.
B: okay what's wrong.
L: it's not okay. But please don't break up with me. It was something I never should have done. I made a mistake. I was put in an uncomfortable position. I don't-
I wake cut off by Brendon kissing me on the lips. I don't kiss back I just pull away.
B: I can't leave you. I promise I won't.
I sigh knowing he will hate me forever.
L: well, when we were in the hot tub Emilo got all touchy. He...
I explain the entire story. Brendon didn't say anything. He just looks at me.
L: I know I messed up. I'm so sorry baby I really am.
B: thanks for being honest.
He get up and walks out.
I scream as I try to get him back. I cry and scream because I know that the love of my life is gone. I grab my phone and call Logan.
He rushes here and holds me. He tells me sweet things as he hugs me.
L: I'm such a fuck up!
Lp:no you were out in a position were you were pressured do do one thing wrong and your world would come down. I'm here.
I cry into his shoulder as I hear footsteps coming towards my room. I look over at the door and it's Brendon. His lip is busted open. His fist if bloody and torn up. His nose is bleeding and his eye is red.
He walks over to me and takes me from Logan. Logan let's him. Logan gives me a kiss on the head as Brendon holds me.
B: it's ok I'm not leaving you baby.
L: what happened.
B: I beat him up. I might have broken his arm and nose but I'm fine.
L: I'm sorry.
He kisses me and cleans himself up.
L: babe. When can I leave this place.
B: the doctor said when ever but you need to put this on.
He hands me a hoodie and spandex shorts. I put on the hoodie and shorts and walk out hand in hand with brendon. We get in the car and drive home.
The ride is very quite.
L:babe. Are you mad at me.
B: we can talk about it when we get home.
We arrive at home and we walk into the room.
L:babe I'm really sorry. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want you to feel like it was your fault.
I flinched as he yelled.
B: I'm not mad. I'm a little upset but it's not your fault.
L: but it is my fault Brendon. I should have told you. I shouldn't have done what I did.
B:babe I don't care. We have our family to worry about.
He puts his hand on my stomach and kisses me. I kiss back and he pulls away. I look at him and give him one last kiss.
L:babe we should tell everyone.
B: I agree.
I go to our room to get our lights and his camera.
To camera:
B: hey guys it's brendon here with my beautiful girlfriend Lydia.
L: hi
B: as you can tell from the title of the video we have some things to tell you.
L: first off. We are happy together and none of you guys can stop us.
B: second thing is that we are starting a family.
I look down and smile. He puts his hand on mine. I look up at the camera and smile again.
L: I'm pregnant.
He smiles and kisses me.
B: so we will be doing updates on twitter and instagram so follow us there the link is in the description. And don't forget to subscribe because we will also update here as well. So I'll see you all tomorrow. Bye.
He turned off the camera and went to our room. He tweeted that a new video was coming out soon. He posted the video and tweeted about it to. The comments were going crazy. Very little hate was going on.
I lay in our bed starting at the wall.
B:babe you okay.
L: yeah but let's go see Logan.
B: okay.
I get out of bed and we head to Logan's.
We walk in and go to the kitchen.
B: hey Logan need any help with anything.
Lp: no but could you help record this thing with me.
B; yeah.
Lp: so Lydia how you feeling.
L: I really don't know. I feel fine. I'm just bored.
Lp: well I'm going over to jakes.
L: okay well then let's go.
Lp: brendon grab the camera.
B: okay.
We head out and get in the yeti. We arrive at the team 10 house.
Lp: Brother jake were you at.
J: Kitchen.
We all walk over to the kitchen. Jake looks over at me. He backs up as big he was scared of me.
J: hi Lydia..
L: what's wrong Jakey.
I slowly walk towards him as he runs to Logan.
Lp: wow calm down jake.
J: she's gonna hurt me
L: *giggles* no I'm not.
Jake walks out from behind Logan and over to me.
J: I'm sorry about what happened with Emilo.
I can't stand them anyway. I'm gonna kick them from team 10 for your safety.
L: but Ivan didn't do anything wrong.
J: if Emilo does one thing wrong again I'll make them both leave.
L: thanks jake.
I give him a hug as Ivan walks down the stairs.
I: Hola Lydia. ¿Qué tal?
L: muy buena. ¿Tú?
I:malo. Emilo es lo siento mucho.
L: interesante. ¿Inglés?
I: Sí
L: okay tell him i don't want to speak to him. I'm very upset with him.
I: okay I will Chao
L: Chao
I look over at Brendon and Jake.
B:you speak Spanish?!
L: yes why does it matter
B: it doesn't it's just you didn't tell me.
L: oh okay.
Lp: So what do y'all wanna do.
L: swim.
J: sure go ask Tessa or Alissa for a swim suit.
L: okay.
J: oh also chad is comeing over you haven't meet him but he is pretty cool.
L: okay can't wait.
I walk over to Alissa's room. I knock on her door and she answers.
A: oh hey Lydia let me guess need a swim suit.
L: yeah.
A: okay.
She gave me a dark blue one piece. The sides are open with a little butt showing.
I change and thank Alissa. I grab a towel and head out.
B: damn baby. If you want that we're gonna have a problem.
L: oops.
I smirk at him and run and jump into the pool.
I swim up and see Brendon staring at me.
L: what.
B: the boys are still changing.
L: so
He jumps into the pool and pushes me up the back side of the pool. He puts his hand on my side as mine go around his neck. We begin to make out and it slowly becomes heated. Just then logan and Jake walk out of the house.
Brendon gets off and acts like nothing happened.
Lp: okay what do you guys wanna do.
We okay chicken and me and Brendon won. We continue to swim around and chat for a few hours until it gets dark.
We all eat out and as I was walking over to Alissa's room I see Emilo walk into the house.
I look away from him and walk into Alissa's room.
A: go to the bathroom to change and shower if you want one.
L: thanks Alissa
A: anytime.
I go in and shower and put my clothes back on. I walk back out to see Ivan and Emilo on the trampoline and Brendon on the counter.
I run over to him and jump onto his lap making him lay back on the counter with me on his hips.
B:well hello to you too baby.
I kiss his lips and I get off of him.
B:no come back.
I laugh at him and walk out to Logans car.
He gets in a few minutes after with Logan. We arrive at the apartment complex and we all go to we're we live. Logan heads up to his place as me and Brendon go to ours. When we walk in Brendon pushes me against the wall.
L:babe no I'm pregnant we can't be doing this.
B:but I'm horny.
L: to bad.
B: ugh
L: go take a cold shower.
B: fine but if it doesn't work then your helping me.
L:yeah okay.
I roll my eyes as he goes to shower. I walk to our room and lay on our bed. He comes out of the shower only in his boxers.
I look down and see a little tent in his boxers.
B:baby, what else do I do then.
He pouts and sits on the bed.
L: it looks kinda painful.
B:yeah it is
I crawl on top of him and grind my hips on his.

In another life Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora