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bev.m started the group chat

bev.m added maddmaxx and mikeyhnotw to the groupchat

bev.m named the group chat "pls help"

7:39 am

maddmaxx: whoa what's goin on bevvy

mikeyhnotw: yeah whats up?

bev.m: guys I'm only telling you this because you're my closest friends and I love you guys so much

mikeyhnotw: aw ilyt but what hapPeNeD R U OKAY?!?!!!

maddmaxx: ^^

bev.m: guys...

bev.m: i think i might be b

maddmaxx: whot is b dude

mikeyhnotw: i think she means bi, oh bevvv :,)

maddmaxx: omg bev

maddmaxx: bEV

mikeyhnotw: bEV COME BACK

bev.m: i hope that's okay with you guys... i feel so dad is homophobic... and i don't want you guys to be

maddmaxx: oh bevvy we are your best friends and we support you no matter what and we love you and we are so happy and proud of you

mikeyhnotw: that's right bev! don't worry about it, we're surely not homophobic, i mean Richie's bi and eds is gay and bill is demi bi and Stan is gay and mike's bi and wills gay. we certainly wouldn't tolerate them if we were homophobic

bev.m: i know but...i just think it's weird cuz I'm a girl and it kinda makes me feel uncomfortable because I'm the only girl who isn't straight


maddmaxx: you think you're the only girl who isn't straight?

maddmaxx: i mean I'm straight now, but i used to like el like A LOT. I really loved her. I did everything I could to make her happy. i almost asked her out once, but before I did that she told me she liked mike and that broke my heart

mikeyhnotw: max...

maddmaxx: it really hurt me, like it felt like someone was eating away at my insides. so i pretended to like lucas to get her jealous.

bev.m: oh my goodness max

maddmaxx: it didn't work

mikeyhnotw: :(

maddmaxx: i ended up actually falling in love with him. and that's when i became straight, i guess. I'm glad i ever did pretend, because Lucas and i would've never been a thing.

maddmaxx: el and mike dated for a while until mike realized he was actually in love with will. but we're not sure will likes mike back

mikeyhnotw: nah i think will likes him back

maddmaxx: well I mean he does seem to enjoy the attention but idk

maddmaxx: but i never liked girls ever again

bev.m: wow

bev.m: well now i know el is straight... :(

mikeyhnotw: LE GASP

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