chapter twenty eight: regroup girls.

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Another morning, another day with (y/n) waking up to a Finnish man cuddling her like there was no tomorrow.
Her door lock was broken and he did not seem to want to let her go.
"Please let go.", (y/n) pleaded, "I need to get ready"
"Get ready for what?", Thurston asked, "we have the day off."
The Finnish male held her close and rubbed her back, "I want to spend it with you."
Thurston kissed her gently and held her close, any struggles she made caused the kisses to become rougher.
The silver haired female struggled violently and was able to get him off, she bolted and hid in Magnus's office.
The huge Danish man looked at her and went back to his work, she hid under his desk as she heard Thurston stalking around.
(Y/n) panted as she hid, Magnus patted her head.

The smell of ash.
"Yo! Maggie!", The cheery Norwegian hello'd, "Thurston looks pissed. More so than usual."
The silver haired Scandinavian looked up as her oldest brother nodded.
"Kanin refuses to let him love her? I don't blame her.", Loki said as he sat in an office chair, "I was planning on setting her up with someone else."
"Hm.", Magnus acknowledged.
She heard as Loki kicked his feet up, "I was thinking Dracul. Or maybe Gilen?"
Magnus huffed, "lillesøster would have to choose."
"What no 'They'll have to fight me first' Crap?", Loki laughed, "I told Drac that he'd have to best us all in a fight. And he agreed!"
(Y/n) turned pink and popped out of her hiding place, "I'm not a prize to be Won!"
Loki toppled over from surprise, "Dammit! Kanin!"
The Danish brother chuckled as the burned Norwegian got up, The amethyst eyed pyromaniac sighed.
"Maybe I'm not ready to be married yet!", (y/n) growled, "ever think of that?"
Loki looked down, "no."
The Norwegian got a flick to the forehead, "of course you didn't."

Loki snickered, "you're so cute"
(Y/n) puffed her cheeks up, "Am not."
Magnus shook his head am patted his sister's back, "sit down"
She did so and huffed, "I would want to choose who I marry. Get to know him and see if we are compatible."
Magnus gave a small nod, "that is a good idea. Loki, schedule meeting dates for each suitor."
"What?!", (y/n) exclaimed.
"You are getting what you wanted,", Magnus said as he went back to his paperwork, "you will meet your suitors and spend time with each."
The Scandinavian female became pink and sat back down, she fidgeted with her shirt.
"I want to do this in my own time.", She explained softly, "because you all are so busy."
Loki patted her head, "We just want you to find the right guy. I don't mind cutting into my own time to help."
The burned Norwegian kissed his sister's head and smiled, "Smile Kanin, you look better with one on"
(Y/n) gave a small smile and the pyromaniac grinned, "there it is!"
The two hugged and Magnus sighed, "can I have peace now?"
"Sure. I was going to see the kitty~", Loki smiled, "want to come?"
"Sure.", (y/n) smiled, "who is your kitty?"
Loki wrapped his arm around her and teleported to a Café in New york.
There at the table was Kuria and the other girls.

Kuria looked up and gasped, "(y/n)?! You look beautiful!"
(Y/n) smiled and hugged all of the girls, she was happy to see her friends again.
Loki sat down and ordered a drink for himself and (y/n), "so how is everybody?"
"I'm good. Running interference for you.", Kuria said with a smile to (y/n), "you belong with your brothers."
"I've been good.", Luce said, "I kind of miss Egilmochi."
Maddie smiled, "I'm well. Bermochi grew on me."
Loki gave a smile and pulled little white balls out of his coat, it was the mochis.
The three little mochis bounced to their favorite person,"they missed you too."
The mochis snuggled and chattered to the girls, each girl smiled at the mochis.
Loki smiled, "Kanin has suitors for marriage."
The girls looked up and at (y/n), who was red.
"Is that true?", Kuria asked and the Scandinavian female nodded.
"Who are they?", Maddie asked, "tell us!"
"So far?", (y/n) replied, "Dracul.... and Thurston..."
The girls looked almost disgusted when she mentioned Thurston.
Loki piped up, "Thurston is not related to us. Mor just let him stay with us because he is Bernard's half brother."

"But I don't think she would be comfortable with that.", Luce said, "marrying one who was a brother for so long."
(Y/n) nodded, "he is very demanding too. He would not let go of me this morning."
Kuria patted her friend's back, "hey, you have other suitors too. Like Dracul. Or Luxembourg, he is Really in love with you."
"What?", Loki said with an edge in his voice.
The silver haired Scandinavian turned red, "I know, he kissed me.. my first."
"For fucks sake.", Loki growled, "I Don't believe it."
"Believe it.", Luce said, "He and the Nordics have been making plans for the wedding."
Maddie pulled out her phone and showed Loki a picture of Luxembourg looking in a bridal shop with Finland.
Loki looked pissed.
"Thurston will love this.", He growled.
(Y/n) gulped and felt bad for Luxembourg, who would be no doubt hunted by Thurston now.
Loki sighed and patted kuria, "thank you for telling us this. I appreciate it."
The rose haired female smiled and nodded, Loki smiled but his eyes showed something else.
Luce yawned and threw her trash away, "be careful. They already started the search in your area."
The burned Norwegian nodded, "You be careful too. They won't like it if they find out you are my informant."
The two groups nodded and separated.
(Y/n)'s phone rang as soon as they were walking back to their teleported spot.

"Hello darling."

Luxembourg. Watch out.
Big brother is hunting you.

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