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Panting, and the distinct feeling of being carried over someone's shoulder.
Gunshots and return fire from the one carrying her.
Footsteps, more than who was carrying her.
(Y/n) fell back into blackness as she heard voices yell out.
The one who carried her sped up.

When she woke again, she smelled a fire.
She was on a couch with a blanket over her, the fireplace crackled.
The furniture looked like it was store bought, and was quite geometric while the rest of the house was a mix of modern and woodsy styles.
The silver haired Scandinavian sat up and looked around more, the smell of warm drinks caught her nose as well as a savory meal.
(Y/n) stood upon wobbly legs and used the furniture to steady herself.
The home smelled like males and they did not seem to be nearby at the moment.
The violet-red eyed girl wobbled through the house, the building was neat and well maintained.
She poked in a few rooms and saw beds neatly made, and a complete mess in the last one.

The female walked to the kitchen and found the source of the smell, a pot with a few seasonings and a sauce cooking down.
She smelled the sauce and could not stop from feeling hungry, she could no stop herself from making a meal that would fit with the sauce and improving the sauce by adding a few herbs it was missing.
The silver haired Scandinavian lost track of time as she cooked and made the grand dinner, fit for  royalty.
She set the table and poured all the drinks.
(Y/n) looked at her work and beamed, she felt pleased at her work and sat back down in the couch.
She noticed the time, hours had passed as she made that grand meal.
She felt tired, and lay down for rest on the couch she woke up on.

The loud singing and bootsteps did not wake her when these males came home.
One checked on her as another sat the wood down on next to the fireplace, the others saw and were surprised of her work on dinner.
The blanket was pulled back over her and the males partook in the feast.
All loved it.
Soon after their bellies were filled, they quieted down.
It was time for rest.
Each went to their rooms, and one gave a kiss goodnight on (y/n)'s forehead.
Peaceful, every thing was peaceful.
The whole night everybody slept soundly.

(Y/n) was the first to wake, she took a deep breath in and smelled her surroundings.
She smelled that the males were home.
Silently she walked that halls, and peeked into a room.
Much to the silver haired female's disappointment, she could not see and her magic was inaccessible.
She creeped closer and looked at the male in the bed, it was Matthias.
Even more disappointing, he wanted something to cuddle.
He reached up and grabbed her before pulling her into a warm, yet alcohol smelling hug.
The Scandinavian female could not escape the hold of the happy dane, so she tried to convince herself it was her brother and it was just a nightmare.
The dane cuddled the younger female and smiled brightly even in his sleep.
(Y/n) closed her eyes and pretended it was Magnus.
A smaller, smellier, not as muscular or well groomed Magnus.
After telling herself that, she could finally relax enough to doze off.

Denmark awoke and found (y/n) cuddled up against him, the dane was surprised and pleased at the same time.
He carefully wrapped her in a blanket and carried her downstairs.
"You found her, where was she?", Finland asked.
"My room. She must have wandered in after having a nightmare or something and wanted comfort.", Denmark whispered in reply.
The dane set her down on the couch.
Norway rolled his eyes and huffed, Iceland was doing his best to ignore the others.
"She will need her own room and bed.", Sweden stated.
"She can use my room until then.", Denmark grinned, "I don't mind sharing."
Iceland and Norway both looked at him like he was stupid, Finland wanted to think of the best plan.
"I don't think she'll trust me.", Sweden said, "not after what I did."
"But it was for her benefit.", Finland explained, "she would have been even weaker if you did not."

Iceland mumbled, "I could watch her a bit."
Finland chuckled gleefully, "great iceland!"
Norway sighed, "that leaves Sweden and Myself to go search for her furniture?"
"Ja!", Denmark cheered and held up a mug of beer, "you should know what girls like!"
The Norwegian male sighed as Sweden got up and motioned to to door, "I'm coming Sve."
As soon as Norway and Sweden left, Denmark let out a happy whoop.
"Hush dan, you'll wake her.", Finland shushed and patted the Scandinavian female's head.
The girl groaned a bit in her deep sleep and shifted away from the finn.
The small blonde Finn sat next to her and sat her up while Iceland sat on the other side and spoke quietly to Finland, Denmark pouted a bit before drinking his beer.

(Y/n) heard soft words as she woke up, and herself leaning on a male.
Her eyes lifted to meet the violet ones of finland, the small finn smiled at her warmly.
"Hello pikkusisko", he said softly, "sleep well?"
The silver haired female had to force herself to nod, she turned and found herself looking at the even smaller Iceland.
The Icelandic male did not seem to share his brother's enthusiasm to see her up, he seemed to glare at her slightly.
The dane sitting near them was singing loudly and drinking heavily.
After a little bit to regain her composure, she gave them a firm look.
"Why do you not leave me alone?"
"You are our sister, or as close to a sister as we can have. We want to protect you from them.", Finland answered.
"But I'm not. ", she stiffed up then blew out a breath, "I am Magnus's sister."
Denmark choked while finland and iceland did not seem to react.
"YOU WHAT?!", The dane shouted.
"I kind of gathered that, as you shy from 1ps and thrive with 2ps.", Finland replied, "but you do not have to be hostile to us. We care and will not harm you."
"I don't believe that.", (y/n) hissed as a reply and stood up, "I don't believe or trust any of you."

She was able to dash away from the three males and get to the door when she ran into the other two, Norway quickly gripped her.
Sweden carried in the boxes labeled with the logo of a popular furniture company, "she tried to run?"
(Y/n) hissed, "We're playing tag, genius."
"Sarcasm won't help you.", Norway said firmly as he restrained the female, "It appears I have no other options."
The silver haired Scandinavian struggled as The Norwegian male gripped her tight and placed his cold hand on her head, she felt numb as he poured more magic into her being.
Her body grew colder and shivered, longing for warmth.
It was soon over and she was released.
Sweden caught her as she almost fell over, she clutched onto him to steal what warmth she could.
The large swede carried her over to the other three and put her right next to Denmark.
Denmark was quick to engulf the smaller Dane in a hug, "what did you do norge?"
"Welcome her to our family.", the Norwegian said dully and walked back to the kitchen for the bitter life nectar of coffee.

The small family lived peacefully for years, the connections forged with (y/n) grew deep and her loyalty was unwavering.
The males were quite impressed with her loyalty and magic, she was part of their family.
Finland's small attraction grew as well into a great adoration and deep love, Sweden noticed as did the other males.
Denmark took every opportunity to tease the finn, Finland disputed the accusations but then gave in and told them.
Same as Thurston, he realized he was in love with (y/n).
She did not give any sign of returning or even acknowledging his feelings, he decided to act upon those feeling.

"(Y/n), Can I ask you something?", Finland asked.
"Sure.", the silver haired Scandinavian beamed with a sweet face.
"Is your mom a baker?", the finn questioned with a sly smile
"Not that I know of, why?"
"Because you're a cutie pie.", the finn chuckled.
"You're not funny.", (y/n) said before she turned back to her work.
Finland cursed himself for using the cheesiest by advice from Denmark.
He sat near her and watched her work diligently, almost a clone of her real brother.
"Stop staring, it's rude.", the violet red eyed female stated and pushed the last of the paperwork away, "why are you looking at me like that."
"Because I love you."
"I love you too isoveli.", (y/n) smiled.
"I love you more than that.", Finland admitted, "I really love you."
"You're bullshitting.", the Scandinavian said then looked into his eyes, "or not."
The Finnish male hugged the female, "I love you."
"I don't know if I return your emotions."
"You don't have to. I love you regardless."

The Scandinavian female got ready for bed and heard the buzz of her cell.
She picked up the cell and looked at the message.
《No matter how far you run, I'll never let you go. -T》

Never Let You go. (Spinoff Of NEVER LEAVE YOU ALONE)Where stories live. Discover now