chapter three

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This is mad late, munchkins. I'm so sorry. Also, really sorry for any mistakes, I got a headache and I'm not sure if I checked it correctly.


I pursed my lips, sitting back in my chair as I stared at her. She stared right back at me, a look in her eyes that told me she was not happy about this. I exhaled through my nose, wondering when she was going to finally break and say something.

"Are you going to say something?" She asked me. I only shrugged, because I didn't know what to say. She sighed, setting her phone down on the table gently as I prepared for her to yell. "Fine. I'll speak. Do you know how this is making you look?" She asked rhetorically, which finally got me to say something.

"That tweet was from 2015. I was in high school, and obviously had no idea what I was saying." I defended myself, frowning.

"It doesn't matter. People are upset from it, and when I say people, I mean her fans." I huffed, crossing my arms. She rolled her eyes at my childish behavior. "Y/N, Perez Hilton wrote an article about this. They have found every single stupid tweet from when you first created your Twitter."

"Again, I was stupid, bored and in high school. I had no idea what I was saying would even be seen. I had, like, one follower." I explained, but when I saw the deadly glare from her, I pursed my lips.

She grabbed her phone from the table, unlocked it and groaned. "They found a tweet from 2014, it says something about Fifth Harmony and how nice their asses are." I opened my mouth to speak, but she cut me off by adding, "And then they have a tweet that just says 'ass.' Spelled with two z's." She looked at me incredulously.

"May I remind you-"

"High school, stupid, bored; okay!" Estrella shook her head, rubbing her temples. "Listen, I don't know how to go about this. You look stupid, especially with the fact that you're username use to be 'new to this.' When in fact, you are not new to this." She said.

"I created the account when Twitter started up. I thought it was creative." I shrugged.

"Dear god." She mumbled under her breath, eyes shut as she held her hands in front of her. Shaking her head, she opened her eyes and met mine. "Thank god you've matured." She said to me.

"Well, yeah. The real world is fucking stupid and immature, so I have to be the mature one." I scoffed. "For example, Perez Hilton; immature. Why would he write an article about me and my old tweets?" I huffed.

"Because he knew 5H fans would read it if it had Lauren's or any of the members' name in it. He was smart." Estrella said, then cracked her knuckles. She pulled a chair and took a seat, smirking at me as she grabbed her bag. Pulling her computer out, she told me, "But, we're smarter."

I quirked my eyebrow. "How so?"

"I got you an interview. With Teen Vogue." She said proudly.

"Wow, that's great. Because I am a teen," I started, nodding. I stopped there because I wasn't entirely sure what vogue meant. Estrella waited for me, but I simply shook my head to let her know I was done.

"Okay." She sighed out, then began typing something on her computer. "So we have to be at the location in an hour. But now, you will tweet out that you are going to explain your past tweets to them in said interview."

"Can't I just apologize in a tweet?"

"No!" Estrella exclaimed, shaking her head with disappointment. "Apologizing in a tweet isn't sincere enough..."

"But apologizing in an interview is?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"This industry is complicated, Y/N." I popped my eyebrows, putting my login information for Twitter. "How about this, a pre-apology on Twitter then another tweet just before your interview about the interview. Sound good?"

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