The seductive

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The very atmosphere itself seemed to cower under the presence of so morose a character, one capricious and prone to anger at the drop of a feather. The grass shriveled under the vengeful footsteps of wrath and the boy strode his way alone.

As per usual.

The radiance of the sun that permeated through skies clear as crystal and blue as forget-me-nots seemed to dim in the overwhelming presence that screamed a declaration to not be meddled with.

Park Jimin had not always been such a character, but people had no desire or need to know of such a feeble characteristic in his repertoire of personas from which anger exhibited itself more often than any other. It was not in Park Jimin's nature to play the scapegoat or the doormat.

He storms to the gates of the grandiose school (certainly taking upon itself the appearance of a monument rather ancient and renown), and stares disdainfully at it. No doubt there would be rich snobs who would give him any and all reason to tear them to bits, whether by means of word or action.

He would rather that he were not sent to such a school. After all, his place lay with the delinquents, according to petty teachers, and he ought to be trapped in those institutions where juvenile crime was the norm.

Not that it mattered. The notion of truth was that anyone who crossed paths with him was certainly looking for for trouble, which he was more than willing to provide. It would only result with their lips kissing the dusted ground in humiliating defeat.

Striding past the students with not a care whether he bumped shoulders or stepped on feet, Jimin barrages through to the dormitories and storms around, footsteps heavy and oppressive. He finds himself striding nearly into another boy, whom he immediately stares at with a scowl.

"What kind of tripping rope are you trying to be, huh?" He snaps, grabbing the boy's collar and pulling him closer, eyes narrowed and blazing with an animalistic ire. This boy didn't even look interested. His jaw tightens. "Who are you and how dare you walk into me?"

Releasing the boy's collar he tears the lollipop from his mouth. Disgusting. And throws it onto the ground before taking up a challenging stance. "Apologize on your knees or I'll have you bowing to the dust," he snaps.

OoFiTy I tried, hope y'all enjoy. Plus sorry for such a late update!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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