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"Meghan? What you doing here?" I asked with confusion all across my face

"Is now not a good time?" She bashfully ask as she plays with her fingers

"How you find out where I stay?"

"I made some calls I stopped by your old place and tried to call your number but it was disconnected. I really needa talk to you can I come in?"

"Babe who's here?" Rae ask from behind me

"Oh... I'm sorry I didn't. I can come back at a different time" Meghan begins to ramble

"No come in" although idk why or how she here. I hadn't talked to her in like almost two years we have been friends along time and since she graduated law school she's been working as one of the cities prosecutors. And if they was tryna build a case against my ass I needed to know so I could handle shit accordingly

I led the way to living with both Raegan and Meghan in tow. While Meghan took the seat next to me rae sat in my lap before placing a smile peck on my lips. It was amusing to see her tryna be all territorial. After getting their introductions out the way I wanted to get straight to it

"So what's up meg?"

"Uh.. maybe we should talk in private" she suggests I could tell the statement rubbed rae wrong

"It's coo anything you needa say you can say in front of my girl" I assure Meghan

"Ok well... I don't really know how to tell you this so ima just come out and say it. Remember Five years ago when I just up and left for a year? When I came back I told you it was because I did a year of school in spain well really it was cause I was pregnant" she concludes

"Ok and you're telling this why?" I ask in confusion

"Nahsir you know you're the only man I was having sex with around that time"

"I had our daughter she's four years old her name is Kiyanne Rihanna Scott" Meghan pauses "I was still in school my parents thought it was best if I didn't tell you about her so I was sent to live with my aunt during the pregnancy and once I had her my family and I decided it would be best if my aunt raised her until I was able to care for her on my own. That's why we haven't talked our seen each other in a while because once I graduated and got the job as a DA I moved her up here. By then she was two and I didn't know how to tell you but now she's four bouta be five she's questioning me about her dad and I just feel like I owe that to the both of y'all to let you be in her life" she concludes

The deadly silence was scaring me. The look on nas face I could tell he was seconds away from going off on her ass and the fearful expression Meghan held she sensed it too

"I know this sounds crazy nas and all I can say is I'm sorry for keeping her from you this long"

"I.... Meghan I'm trying my hardest not to fucking strangle yo ass wtf you mean your parents thought it would be best you kept MY child from me?! Five years ago yo ass was 23 years old. You was young but still fucking grown enough to make your own decisions" he rants

"Nahsir I was in school still my parents were still taking care of me. Paying for my tuition feeding me paying my rent I was scared they'd cut me off if I didn't do what they wanted!"

"I would've took care of your dumb ass Meghan! We could've avoided all this dumb ass shit if you would've just opened your fucking mouth. Then you kept this shut from me for five years! Three of em you was still fucking me but didn't even tell me about a whole kid"

"Nahsir I can't change the past. I'm sorry that's all I can say I know we can't make up for lost time but Kiyanne wants to meet you and if you don't wanna be in her life I get it I just thought....." drowning out the rest of the conversation I got up and made my exit this is just all too much for me

Going upstairs I sat in our bed thinking about what all this meant. I had got so consumed in my thoughts I didn't notice when nas came in until I felt him nudge me

"She leave?" I softly ask

"Yea" he sighs "Friday we gone get to meet her" he says with so much enthusiasm

"We?" I question

"Yea we.. she's gone be around a lot you gone be in her life too so I thought-"

"No blessing I don't think I should be there that's gone be a special moment for you guys I don't want to be a distraction." I shut down his idea

"Ok" he drags out "you Alright?"

"Yea it's just.. never mind" I stand up

He pulls me back down to his lap, "No what tell me baby"

"Idk" I tuck some of my hair behind my ear "you seem happy I don't wanna seem like negative Nancy but your always telling me not to be naive and gullible so what makes you just believe her like that no DNA test or nothing?" I explain

"Meghan ain't that type of girl rae she wouldn't betray me like that. Plus she showed me pictures that's my baby"

Seeing him so bright eyed and happy made me feel some type of way. I wanted to be happy for him but part of me was jealous and I hated to sound that way but it's the truth. While he and Meghan had there daughter mine was dead

I even began to wonder if what me and nas had was true. What if he woulda known bout Kiyanne all along would he be with Meghan would our daughter have even been conceived will he leave me for them

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