Yamaguchi Tadashi | Young Love (Fluff)

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(AN: I thought of this when driving back from Strasbourg last night :3

Hope u like it~)


They say that everyday is a new day, which is true, but at least not for me.

I just go to the park and listen to my favorite playlist over and over all day. And if you were wondering, nope I don't really eat until I get home, when it gets dark.

Its like a cycle that never ends, a routine. My duty.(?)

Yesterday wasn't any different from today;weird/concerned looks, frozen fingers, curious kids staring at me.. I longed for something new to appear in my life, that I can look forward to.

That night, when I went home, I opened my window and looked up at the stars. What I saw next made me gasp and widen my eyes.

A shooting star.

Panicking, I quickly thought of a wish from the top of my head-

"I wish for something new in my life..!"

Soon after, I await for something to signal me that something did change.

"Psh, who am I kidding.." I retreat my head from the outside, making a 'tch' sound from wasting the time I could have used to do something else.

With that, I took a shower, changed into my PJ's and watched anime until I passed out.


Yamaguchi's POV:

'Who is she? Why is she always alone? Does she even eat during the day? What's her name?'

The questions in my head kept stirring in my head as I stared at a girl, who everyone else is currently worried for.

Shes always been sitting on that park bench for as long as I can remember. Me and Tsukki always walk around that area when practice is over. And when I go to the shop to get some things, I always see her in the same spot and same position as before.

Nobody really wants to talk to her, fearing that they will bother her or possibly make her angry. So, everyone indirectly agreed to leave her alone. Most people are already used to seeing her on that bench, but new comers always give her these nasty looks that make me feel a bit angry.

So I challenged myself to build up courage to approach her and then eventually talk to her with ease.

Today was the day I make the first move. As usual, me and Tsukki walk back from Volleyball practice and as expected, there she sat;headphones in, hair covering face, head lightly bobbing to the beat of her music.

Naturally, I planned to go home, come later and then make the move;but somewhere deep down inside me told me to do something asap.

"Tsukki, I'll be right back." I told him, running in the direction of the nearest supermarket. Before I ran off, I saw Tsukki with a confused face but shrugged it off as he leaned against a lamppost(his twin).

I greeted the cashier and speed walked to the sandwich isle. I grabbed a (desired type) sandwich and went in line. There were quite a few people so I had to wait a while.

As if on time, I was next in line when the girl stood from her seat and started packing her things. I gave the cashier a bit more money than needed and ran out the doors, with the sandwich in hand.

"Keep the change!" I yelled over my shoulder, before the doors closed. The cashier shrugged and shook their head and greeted their next customer.

The girl was about to walk out the park when I suddenly yelled-

"W-Wait please!" I reached her, panting a bit.

Now that I thought about it, I never really saw her face because her (color) hair was always covering what was underneath.

'Woah' I muttered to myself, when I saw her features clearer.

"U-Uh, can I help you..?" She trailed off, awkwardness was evident in her voice.

'Great job, doofus, you've officially creeped her out.'

"I-I uh just..wanted to g-give you this," I show her the sandwich, with slightly shaky hands. I just hope she assumes it's the cold thats making me shake.

"F-For me..?" She looks up at me, a little surprised and confused.

"Yeah, since i-it looked like you           d-don't eat often, which isn't good        f-for your body.." I sheepishly scratch the back of my head, wondering if she'll accept the sandwich.

(Y/N)'s POV:

'My gosh, we need more people like him in this world..!'

"T-Thank you so much..! I'm so happy but..I kind of feel like I should owe you  something in return." I loosen up a bit and chuckle, rubbing the back of my neck. I felt like I could trust the guy.

"Ah! No no, please. It's fine, really" He reassures, hands frantically waving around.

"Well, thank you again." I smile at him, my expression immediately changing when I slapped my forehead.

"Oh crap, sorry;I didn't even introduce myself! I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." I then stuck my hand out in a handshake, soon after realizing how cringey it must have looked, for other people walking by.

"Yamaguchi Tadashi." He, surprisingly, returns the name and shakes my hand back.

'Holy fuck, he's so warm' I think to myself, eyes widening a fraction.

Without realizing, I whine a little when we pull away as our arms fall back to our sides.

"See you tomorrow..?" He asks, his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"Oh, yeah. Bye!" I nod, waving while walking in the opposite direction, to my house. When I got home, I took a shower and sighed at least 57 times at how cute he was. I close my ese bu they snapped back open when I realized-

'My wish did come true..!!'

Nobody's POV:

"Oi, Yamaguchi. How much longer are you gonna stand there?? It's cold."

"Tsukki, I think I fell in love.."


"Eh? Yamaguchi?"

'He fell hard for her..Disgusting'


Its short-ish but-

I hope it was to your liking..

Word Count: 993

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