six - catching up

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Puck and Quinn had been introduced as 'Mr and Mrs Puckerman' and had begun their first dance as Husband and Wife. Rachel grinned at the sight of her old friend and team mate Tina Co hen chang, with a little mix raced boy hiding behind her. "Omg hey Tina, and who is this little guy?" She grinned nervously bowing down to the little boys height. "My son Ricky, well Artie and Is" Rachel was shocked at the pairing. "I know I tried to invite you to the wedding and christening but no one knew where you were surprisingly" Rachel smiled sadly "I had a rough start, Im sorry I missed out on so much but its so lovely to see a friendly face and your child! Wow, im so very happy for you and Artie"
Tina grinned and nodded showing her over to the table of glee kids occupied 'kurt, blaine, Mercedes, sam, mercedes husband ryan and artie' sat there as they walked over.

"Well well.. miss Rachel Berry finally came home huh?" Kurt snapped before Blaine sent him a warning glare. Kurt decided to jump up and get a drink, his fiance followed suit. "So whats new?" Tina grinned ignoring Kurts rudeness. "Umm im living in New York with a 9/5 job, nothing too extravagent" the table of heads were shocked "I thought you were going to finally take broadway by a storm, we all looked in the tabloids for your name!" Mercedes gasped. "Not since I had my little girl, its all about making a safe and loving home for her" Tina smiled.
"Wow how old?? Maybe she can join Ricky for a play date before you leave?" Rachel grinned at Tinas enthusiastic tone she had never seen this side of Tina. Ever.
"Shes 3 soon. Going to be in big school next term and sure play date sounds good. Give me your number and we can set something up" Tina smiled as Rachel handed her phone over. They were interupted by Artie requesting to twirl his wife on the dance floor to which she gracefully obliged sitting on his lap and they made their way over.

"So Mercedes hows things I read alot about you from the headlines, congratulations on your success!" She tried to hold on tight to her composure itching to run far away from the room. "Yes, thank you so much for the support. I was hoping we would hear something about you! I cant believe you are a Mum you always talked about broadway and career first you wanted fame more than me!" Rachel bowed her head sadly. "My daughter is the greatest accomplishment, Im there for when she wakes up until bed time everyday something I couldnt do if I had a broadway career" Rachel smiled. Mercedes reached forward grasping her hand comfortingly "You are probably an amazing mother and wife" she smiled widely. Rachel shifted in her seat uncomfortably "Im not married, not even dating" Rachel sighed drinking from her glass of martini. "So your daughters father?" Mercedes furrowed her brows confused "Out of the picture but we get on perfect without him" Mercedes smiled sweetly "kick ass single mum, Sam here is the same" she gestured to him as he frowned feeling outed. Rachel grinned at him "You have a child?" Sam nodded getting out his Samsung to produce a photo "Leia Evans my pride and joy. Mum left not long after she was born" Rachel felt for him they were in similar situations.
"She is gorgeous maybe we could catch up and have them meet?" Sam grinned as she took hold of his phone typing in her didgets. "Call me with details knowing my fathers we will be here longer than the weekend" she laughed slightly. Sam returned the gesture "we all missed you Rachel its great seeing you after so long" Rachel smile faltered "I wish I had been around but I was just so rushed off my feet" she lied.

Sam sighed at the circumstances "you and Finn were happily engaged last I heard weird how things turned out" she stilled not wanting to talk about it. She needed more alcohol to sit through this "Im going to get another drink. Excuse me guys" she took her glass downing the drink and making her way to the bar as quick as he legs could carry her.

SAMCHEL!! Thinking of joining these characters if only for a little while.

What do you think??

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