fourteen - say whattttt

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Puck grimaced as Carol pressed more onto the scorned flesh.
Quinn finally came in after putting Leroy back to sleep.
"Quinn you've gotta tell him!"
Suddenly all eyes were on her.

Quinn nodded as she bit her bottom lip anxiously. "Finn can we go talk somewhere a little more private?" He hopped of the stool wincing at the pressure on his left leg following her lead to the living room sitting in the lounger.

"I just need you to know this first finn.. I am so so sorry for everything that has happened. For everything you and Rachel went through-" smiling his best reassuring smile he shook his head
"Quinn it isnt your fault"
"IT IS! FINN YOU HAVE NO IDEA" She cried softly into her hands as Finn rubbed a hand on her knee.
"That one show you did in college remember? I told you rachel couldnt make it and she was already there"
Finn frowned, (He had never seen her)
"The bands of the 80s show?" Quinn nodded, "I never saw her"
Taking a shallow breath she soldiered on "I saw her... heading towards backstage as I was coming into your stage room. When I umm.. when I was massaging your neck and then I kissed you. She entered and back then I was a terrible person.. I opened my eyes and watched as she stormed out"
Finn was silent..
"I didnt kno this would happen Finn.. I didnt know she was pregnant or I wouldnt have done it" she wiped at her eyes.
She carried on going as he moved his hand from her leg in horror.  "There is something else" Finn lifted his hand cutting her off " Quinn.. I dont need to-" she carried on regardless. "A few weeks later you were trying to contact her and I stole her direct room address to her college and sent her a photograph of us from when we were together junior year"
"But when you didnt speak to us for that year you went looking.. me and puck we got serious and I sent hundreds of apology letters telling her I was sorry.. but they kept coming back. I never knew she didnt get them" Finn turned away in shock.

Carol heard nothing but a womans cry in the living room, sobbing hysterically. Puck looked at the ground as Carol tried to catch his eye.. sighing she motioned for Burt to go check on the pair whild she finished up.

"Whats going on?" Burt raised his brows at the pain sat on opposite sides of the sofa. One.. sobbing shamefully. One.. shaking with emotion he couldnt quite name.

Quinn overwelmed gasped as she ran to her room slamming the door behind her.
Burt sat next to the expressionless figure "Finn? You ok?" Shook out of his trance he bent over his knees throwing up on the floor ahead. Burt tapped his back as Kurt stormed back in the house grimacing at the sight infront of him. "If Quinn doesnt kill you for that I gladly will!" Burt glared at his son.
"What?" Finn rubbed his hands over his tired face. He screwed up.. mad.
"More important things going on" Burts eyes darted Kurt towards the kitchen.

Finns eyes widened as he jumped on his feet, he rocked weak.
"Is Rachel still out there?" He muttered grabbing his jacket. Kurt frowned at his brother "Who? Berry? Oh yh she wont be back here again I promise you. Great job brother!" Finn pushed making sure to shove Kurt on the way as he jumped in his truck.

Kurt and Burt walked into the kitchen, "well there goes finn chasing Berry yet again" Puck sighed. Carol glared at him "you know something.. out with it now!" Puck knew Mama Hummel could be scary when shd needed to be.
"Quinn did something bad a few years ago.. shes the reason Rachel left Finn in the dust.. I only found out a week before the wedding ok?"
The hummels sat around him
"Quinn made out with Finn infront of Rachel when they were engaged.. Rachel found out and I was there when she left. Telling me she hated us for keeping it a secret and 7 months later Leroy and Hiram left on that "business trip" for a year to help Rachel with her baby"

"Oh my god! That little girl-" Carol sobbed into her husbands arms. Kurt sat in shock 'his best friend left because she thought his brother was cheating' and he had a niece.

Mixed Signals - FinchelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin