A Police Investigation

25 1 0

Name of OC(s): Amiris North

Words I have to include:
- ominous
- reduce
- blackberry
- arrest
- feline
- bark
- decay
- avoid
- squeal
- feet

It was a late night with an ominous feeling. The police sirens were disrupting the silence of the peaceful neighborhood. As the sirens advanced to the house a barking noise filled the air. Feet pattered against the concret, the neighbors all came out. A lone shadow that avoided the lights and people was a Feline like person (Neko). The shadow heard the squeal of people horrified of what they saw. A body being layed out, a human reduced to decay in a house, where even the owner didn't know. The policemen arrested the owner, an inosent man, but no one would realize other than the actual killer and her "Owners" that ordered her to. She took out the blackberry phone she was given and uttered two words. "It's done."

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