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      "dem's PoV"


"Mommy why did you leave me?!"

"Don't you love me mommy?!"

I quickly shot up out of bed sweating and my heart pounding I slowly got up not to wake Wilmer up, he spent the night again. He's been doing it often.. but I'm happy whenever he's with me.

I walked to the bathroom and turned the cold water on and splashed it on my face a few times.

"Had another nightmare hermosa?" Wilmer said in his sleepy thick Hispanic accent.

"Yeah.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you baby" I said while kissing him.

" Demi... why were you mumbling Mavis in your sleep?" He said kinda worried.

I just sighed and realized I should finally tell him... but hopefully he can wait until the morning.

" how about I tell you a really long story tomorrow morning instead of tonight?" I said kinda eager.

"Okay... but I'm holding you to it" he said while climbing back into bed

"Thanks babe" I said curling closer into his side to keep me warm.

"I really do love you Demi... so much" he whispered into my ear.

Then I was out.

*wilmers PoV*

I really did worry about Demi, every time she would see a teenager in the park I could hear her whisper "mavis" and even in her sleep she would whisper the same name over and over again, she had been doing it since I met her... and to this day I had no idea why, hopefully I'll get an answer out of her this morning.

I heard Demi coming down the stairs while I was pouring her some coffee.

She came into the kitchen and took the cup of coffee I had given her.

"So... are you gonna tell me that story now??" I said really eager.

"Wow. I haven't even had a sip of coffee yet" she said chuckling a bit.

Then she took a few sips of coffee.

"That's 3 sips of coffee, you gonna tell me now hermosa?" I said smiling.

She just sighed slightly and told me to sit.

I did as told and looked her straight in the eyes. My god did she have the most amazing eyes.

Demi had just finished telling me everything and my mouth was wide open in shock.  Did she really have a child at 15?! My god. I couldn't even speak I was so shocked.

"Please just say something Wilmer" she said on the verge of tears.

I thought about it for a moment on what to say and immediately a smile came upon my face.

"I support you in all of you decisions Demi.. if you want to get mavis back... then we'll get mavis back. I just you you to be happy... I love you Demi... so much." I said holding her hands.

"I just want my baby girl back Wilmer... I want to be able to smell her... kiss her... hugs her. Just to feel her! I didn't even get to feel her Wilmer! My parents immediately had her sent away!!" I screamed while completely breaking down.

I had just spilled my biggest secret to Wilmer that I had kept secrets for 15 years... I just couldn't handle it...

I really just wanted to get my BabyGirl back... to hold her in my arms and to tell her how much I love her... to protect her from all things bad...

I had much more planned for this chapter but it's like

I had much more planned for this chapter but it's like

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Soooo.... I have to go to sleep or I'll be dead tomorrow😂😂

I just really hope you guys like this book... I think it's the best one I've done actually💕💕

Goodnight guys-🌹

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