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°The part of you that went Astray°

I've always wondered if love was real

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I've always wondered if love was real. I wonder what you and I had was something that we both fealt and not only me. The way our eyes lit up whenever we saw each other, how we would cuddle and laugh just knowing that everything in that moment felt right.

At least that's how I fealt

The funny thing is, you always knew that you were gay, yet it was harder for me to accept it so instead I hid it deep within me. The fact that you are the most special person in the world and you're able to have children is something so perfect.

How I wish you can have my children...


" Mr. Min, are you sure that you would like to proceed? " The doctor looked at me with a face of wary. Utmost truth to the wary face, I have never done this before and I believe it shows.

Maybe a bit too much

But alas I've already made my decision. so with a simple smile, I made my way towards his direction and respond,
" Yes sir. "

" And you are very well aware of the things that become of this? You may not get into contact unless made so by the recipient. Please, I advise you to not get attached to the Idea. " The doctor said while looking at me with concerning eyes. I mean if I'm going to do this I sure as hell know what I'm getting into.

" Yes, I understand doctor. " I said in a rather harsh tone. Once done the doctor made me fill out the rest of the paperwork and soon I was finished. And Fucking hell, It was excruciating.


" Yoongi Oppa! " The annoying one made her way towards me and soon, she was right in front of me.

" Yes, Suran? " We were currently at my apartment and for some goddamn reason, she wanted to always be there... With me, And I lowkey think she's a bit hoey for Hoseok.

Oh yeah, He's my roommate

" Oppa, I want cwaddles. " OKAY, First of all, I'm not the type of person to like skinship that much and If I do show it, well damn! I must really love you. Second what the fuck is she doing trying to test me with that stupid baby talk shit. It's not appealing at all.

But I'm not that big of a douche

" Suran, please give me some time, I have work to do. " She let out a huff of air and stormed out of the living room of which I currently was in and went towards my room. I honestly don't know why I'm dating her, I'm not straight or bisexual. I'm gay, For fuck's sake, I'm super gay.

Yoongay guys

But alas here I am hiding who I am and want to be, welp

Jimin however, My best friend since like forever and currently is my neighbor. Like literally, He's next door. And how I wish I can just spend my time with him instead. Oh, and yeah the bitch is pregnant. He got artificially inseminated so the chimchim is going to pop out a kid in a few months.

Fuck me

But no matter what I'll always be there for him. Like he has been with me my whole life because you see here, I have depression and it's not exactly going my way in terms of happiness. And yet the little mochi seemed to be my light, and OH how I was clingy towards him. Or was it the other way around?

I only liked to give cuddles to him


" Hyungie! You're home! " The little Jimin made his way towards his hyung, screaming in delight at the sight of his best friend.

" Minnie! " The little yoongs took in the sight of his best friend and became happier than ever, hell life at home wasn't exactly the greatest with his father being a drunk and mother a workaholic. So, being the wonderful woman she is, Jimin's mom took yoongi in and sort of raised him if you want to call it that.

Once collided, the little one started to speak, " Yoonie! I missed you so much! I uh s-saved a page from my coloring book for you! And Eomma said that you can stay for the night so we can cuddle all day long! And watch movies Yoonie! " Squeezing the older a little too tight made a giggle emerge.

" Careful Jiminnie, you might hurt Yoongi hyung. " Jimin's mother said to him and tried to save Yoongi's life by prying the younger off of the older but hell, even Yoongi wasn't budging. Letting out a big puff of air in surrender, the mother finally spoke up, " Don't you kids want Pizza and ice cream? "

Almost Immediately, Jimin let go,
" Really Eomma! " The mother only nodded to which Jimin responded,
" And movies and cuddling?!! "

The loving mother only looked between Jimin and Yoongi and just smiled. " Yes, ChimChim. " Jimin bounced up and down in happiness and Yoongi just looked at him and for some reason fealt a need of possessiveness over the boy, a need to protect him against all the dangers of the world.

You see here, not only is there some perks to being older but also some downsides, Yoongi may not be that old but he isn't clueless either.

What seemed like a perfect family to him really was but they still had that heaving weight of abandonment because of Mr. Park, The dick left his beautiful perfect family all because Jimin was different, Instead of making kids the "normal" way, Jimin can have kids and that's what made the Fucker leave his precious family in need of a "perfectly normal one"

So yeah, life sucks

After we ate, Jimin's mom made way towards "our" room and set up everything for the sleepover. Making us snacks and drinks for us to indulge in and making the bed as comfy as possible for us. We thanked her and before she left she told us something,

" Jimin ah don't eat too many snacks and please don't stay up too late, I'll be in my room if you need me alright. "

Jimin nodded gingerly and jumped on the bed with excitement, while the mother crouched down to Yoongi's height, " Yoonie please take care of ChimChim for me. " She gave Yoongi a kiss on the forehead and told him goodnight,

" I promise I will, goodnight. "

" Goodnight Eomma! " Jimin gave his loving mother a kiss and made way down the bed again and wrapped himself in a blanket, although he'd rather have his hyung instead. But the shy one isn't ready to make the first move yet.

Yoongi saw Jimin and gave a chuckle,
" Hey! I thought I was going to cuddle with you! Not the blanket... Yoongi is sad now. Jiminnie doesn't love Yoonie anymore. " Jimin gave a shocked gasp and ran towards Yoongi. Forgetting all about the movie and snacks.

" N-no hyung. I love you more than anything! I'm so sorry hyung! " Jimin was on the verge of crying before Yoongi took quick action, "I'm not mad at you Minnie." Yoongi said to calm the younger down, " Y-You're not? " The younger said unsure, looking up to his hyung. " I'm positive. "

" Yoongi hyung I like cuddling you. I feel warm and safe. I-Is that okay? " Jimin questioned in the arms of the older. " Jiminnie, I love you more than you can imagine. You make me smile when I'm sad and every time I come home to you, broken and mad at my parents. You always tell me how much you love me. And I really love you too Jiminnie. "

God only knows how much I need you

God only knows how much I need you

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